Saturday, April 2, 2022

The ice can sing


I admit that I didn´t know that ice can "sing", or rather emit weird sounds (like an arcade game), until earlier this week, when "my" local frozen birdlake started to sound...haunted! The sounds were similar to the ones heard in the clip above (also from Sweden). 

In combination with an eerie silence overall (the birds didn´t quack, caw or scream), the "singing" ice made the whole thing feel almost otherworldly. Occasionally, a kind of "explosions" were heard, too! 

You learn something new every day.    

1 comment:

  1. Ive experienced this while walking on ice. Taught it was somehow indicating the ice was about to break so i crawled to land on my stomac. Apparently this was very amusing to The kids in a family that was having a picnic nearby, who couldnt stop laughing.
