Elon, not me |
I´m on Twitter. Will probably tweet very sporadically, linking to some of my *very interesting* blog posts from years past. I´m on Twitter mostly to see the tweets of others.
Hail Elon Musk, hail thee!
The blog to end all blogs. Reviews and comments about all and everything. This blog is NOT affiliated with YouTube, Wikipedia, Copilot Designer or any commercial vendor! Links don´t imply endorsement. Many posts and comments are ironic. The blogger is not responsible for comments made by others. The languages used are English and Swedish. Content warning: Essentially everything.
Har noterat en intressant sak med SAP:s första maj-affischer. I vart fall de i Stockholm. Den traditionella sosseparollen "Alla folks frihet - hela världens fred" har bytts ut mot "För alla folks frihet", punkt. En liten fingervisning om hur SAP:s rådslag om NATO kommer att sluta...?
Some doom porn from December 2021. Neither "the Blackout" (which will kill 5 billion people), nor World War III happened, but I suppose it´s still possible that Planet X (yes, *that* guy again) will impact Earth in May. That is, next week or so.
Don´t count on it, though. LOL.
The group promoting this material, Cosmic Convergence, prefers to be on the safe side, and claims that something like this may happen within a decade or so. Well, I suppose that *is* possible.
But then, people like this said that in 1962, 1972, 1982, 1992, 2002 and 2012, as well. And every other year in between. So it doesn´t count as a genuinely occult prediction.
COSMIC CONVERGENCE 2022: The Beginning of the Roughest Ride in Human History!
OMG, it´s true! Strangest news item from the Russo-Ukrainian war so far.
Trained Russian Navy Dolphins are Protecting Black Sea Naval Base
Lite oklart vilka ryska "motgångar" Wolfgang Hansson syftar på här, senast jag kollade höll Ryssland på att ta kontroll över Donbass och Mariupol...men artikeln är likvärd värd att läsas och begrundas.
Det här är som sagt inte en skvallerblogg. Utom när den är det...
Ett inlägg på Tobias Hübinettes blogg som väcker många frågor.
Min gamle "beskyddare" ordförande Choong-sik Chang lever än idag
What the heck is this guy on about?
Milanovic: Finland, Sweden can´t join NATO before Bosnia election law changed
Pappa har en flickvän |
Kan inte Aftonbladet (och vissa andra) bara lägga ner det jäkla talspråket i nyhetsrapporteringen? Nej, det heter inte "pappa" eller "mamma", det heter "far" och "mor". Putin har inte en "flickvän", det är en älskarinna. Man "pratar" inte med Putin, man talar, samtalar eller förhandlar. Putin "nobbar" inte fredsavtal, han förkastar dem. Och så vidare, och så vidare!
Den här typen av språk infantiliserar ("flickvän"? Det är en 38-årig kvinna), skapar en bisarrt familjär känsla (fredsförhandlingar mellan krigförande parter blir "prat" i fikarummet med Britt-Marie 45) eller fördummar.
Det börjar faktiskt bli riktigt, riktigt irriterande. Jag irriterar mig på alla putte-nuttiga röster i TV:s nyhetsprogram också. Särskilt enerverande i rapportering från krigszoner.
Jo, och en annan sak. Aftonbladet, jag visste inte att "bög" numera var ett acceptabelt ord för homosexuell man, men okej, jag ska lägga det på minnet.
Nu måste jag prata lite med bögens flickvän, innan han nobbar mitt putte-nutte-nutte-nutt innan kärnvapenmissilerna smäller av!
Hajja, mannen.
The targeted radio masts in Transnistria (Credit: Transdnestrian Interior Ministry/Reuters) |
This is not looking good...
The Russo-Ukraine war might spread to Moldova ("Transnistria" is a Russian breakaway republic in eastern Moldova, bordering Ukraine) or even to Russia itself.
Note that it wasn´t senile Joe Biden who made the statement about attacks on Russian targets...
As for Transnistria, my wild guess is that it´s a Russian false flag to provide Russia with an excuse to intervene, but it could of course also be a Moldovan bait.
World War III next?
UK minister: "completely legitimate" for Ukraine to attack targets within Russia
John Adams |
Many good points in this one. Carrier goes off tangent at the end, with his rad-lib reinterpration of Solon´s ten "commandments", and he also has a weirdly "idealist" view of history (or seemingly so), but the article is well worth reading anyway. Honor the gods, citizens of the fair republic!
That Christian nation nonsense (gods bless our pagan nation)
Har DN och Wolodarski gjort bort sig nu igen?
>>>Sverige har fått konkreta löften från Storbritannien och USA om skydd under en ansökningsprocess till Nato, uppger flera källor med insyn i Regeringskansliets arbete. Det handlar om ökad militär närvaro, fördjupade militära övningar och ”starkt politiskt” stöd från Nato-länder. – Uttalanden om att Sverige inte kommer att skyddas eller få stöd under en eventuell ansökningsprocess spelar Ryssland i händerna, säger en regeringskälla.
>>>Frågan om säkerhetsgarantier innan ett eventuellt Nato-medlemskap är ratificerat av alla Nato-allierade har varit högaktuell senaste veckorna. Aftonbladet kunde i fredags berätta att diskussioner förts med Storbritannien, samtidigt uppger Dagens Nyheter att Sverige inte har några säkerhetsgarantier förrän en Nato-ansökan är godkänd.
>>>En regeringskälla uppger att det funnits en irritation i regeringskansliet över uppgifter i artiklar från DN och Expressen där Sverige och Finland pekas ut för att sakna garanti om skydd under en ansökningsprocess. Detta eftersom det riskerar att bidra till splittring och osäkerhet i ett känsligt läge, enligt källan.
Källor: USA och Storbritannien utlovar militär närvaro före NATO-beslut
Illuminatus? |
The Freemasons support Emmanuel Macron!!!
I know, I know, it´s the republican and anti-clerical version of French Freemasonry, but I just couldn´t help myself from sharing. (The Grand Orient supported Macron in 2017, as well.)
Communiqué de Presse du 22 Avril 2022
Communiqué interobédientiel du 13 Avril 2022
Here we go again! Apparently, science will never explain the Black Hole Information Loss Paradox. At least not for the next 10,000 years or so...
"Ad Astra" is a 2019 American film starring Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones and Donald Sutherland. It´s a slow paced "long and realistic space journey" film, but does have an interesting message. Set in the near future, it features a space-faring human civilization that has colonized the Moon and Mars, while a manned mission to Neptune has failed. Interestingly, humanity is still split into different nation-states (some of them rogue) that fight over resources in outer space. Old time religion has survived too, with the astronauts constantly praying to Catholic saints and angels. (The "psychological evaluations" seem to be a form of pseudo-Catholic confession.)
When life on Earth is threatened by weird energy surges, US Space Command realizes that their source is the research station in orbit around Neptune. The leader of the Neptunian mission, heroic space explorer Clifford McBride - believed to be dead for 16 years - is still alive and conducting bizarre experiments at the station. SpaceCom sends a new spaceship to Neptune with orders to destroy the mad scientist´s hide out with nucelar weapons. Clifford´s son Roy McBride follows the mission as a stowaway and kills the crew. Eventually, Roy is forced to confront his father anyway, since the old man really has lost it...
One of the plot twists is that Clifford McBride is a fervent believer in the existence of alien intelligent life. The point of the Neptunian research colony was to scan the known universe for evidence of such life. The search was futile: humans are alone. When McBride refused to accept this fact and go home to Earth, a mutiny broke out among the science crew at the Neptune station. In response, McBride killed everyone but himself, and cut off all communications with Earth.
I think it´s obvious that the "mad scientist" is really a symbol for the religious zealot or fanatic, and that the "aliens" are a metaphor for God. Thus, the hidden subtext of "Ad Astra" is atheist: "we are alone in the universe" means "God doesn´t exist". Ironically, however, "Ad Astra" can also be seen as a criticism of modern secular belief in progress. As already mentioned, the futuristic civilization is strikingly similar to our own, warts and all, just more extended in space. During the Space Age, our destiny was indeed said to be "in the stars", and the idea that we are all alone in the universe is deeply terrifying and repugnant to many modern atheists, obviously because it disproves "progress", which has replaced the divine as a quasi-transcendental source of meaning. There *must* be alien civilizations out there, more advanced than ours, to prove that unlimited advancement is possible in a godless universe. And just as Clifford McBride refuses to accept what the data tell him, modern space cultists will never come to terms with the simplest solution to Fermi´s paradox: we are alone (or - even worse perhaps - intelligent species do exist in other solar systems but can´t or won´t go far into space, and neither can we).
Roy McBride finds a kind of salvation in human relationships at the end of the story. Perhaps both Christian theists and star-worshipping atheists do best to join him...
Från Kuusinen till Queer, snyggt jobbat! |
Diverse sosse- och vänsterdebattörer har blivit "omvända" till svenskt NATO-medlemskap. Något de inte ens förespråkade under kalla kriget. Orsaken sägs vara "den nya säkerhetspolitiska situationen" som uppstått i och med att Ryssland attackerat Ukraina.
Vilket givetvis är skitsnack.
Varför det? Jag återupprepar: för att dessa politiska krafter *inte* krävde NATO-medlemskap under kalla kriget. De ansåg tvärtom att Sverige skulle *avbryta* det halvhemliga NATO-samarbete som fanns redan då.
Men observera att Ryssland då kontrollerade Baltikum, Polen och halva Europa. Finland var finlandiserat. Ryssland var en global motståndare till västblocket. De invaderade Ungern, Tjeckoslovakien och Afghanistan, och fixade en illa beryktad militärkupp i Polen.
Varför var detta *mindre* hotfullt än Putins försök att ockupera östra och södra Ukraina?
Låt oss tala klarspråk. Ett: Vänstern vill visa det västerländska etablissemanget att de är "pålitliga". Två: Anledningen till detta, är att västvärlden numera ser ut ungefär som vänstern vill ha den. Mer vänsterliberalism, massinvandring, vindsnurror, och så vidare. Det stora problemet med Puttes Gårdarike verkar vara att de förbjudit Pussy Riot och bombar våra mångkulturella allierade i Syrien. Ja, al-Qaida, ni vet...
Det är därför vänstern sluter upp bakom NATO. Den är systembevarande. Detta förklarar också den ständiga oron för att Trump ska bli president i USA. Vilket verkar vara det enda som kan få en vänsterlök att ifrågasätta medlemskap i militäralliansen. "Då riskerar NATO att kollapsa". Eller användas till att försvara ett helt *annat* etablissemangsprojekt...
Vänstern vill ha ett vänsterliberalt NATO med Biden, Zelenskij och Macron. Och Walt Disney, förstås. Det vore väldigt ironiskt om den till slut fick ett NATO med Trump, Pompeo, DeSantis och Azov istället. Men okej, Macron sitter kanske kvar på sin olympiska empyré?
Som sagt, ironiskt. För jag misstänker att det finns ännu en anledning till den motsägelse jag nämnde ovan. Någonstans i bakhuvudet uppfattar även dagens vänster Ryssland som "vänster" före 1991. Ja, just det. Sovjetunionen. Vem vet, det kanske är därför dagens global-patrioter var söta små landsförrädare på 1980-talet...
Allahu akbar! Coming soon to a Nazi stronghold near you.
Putin´s Chechen quislings celebrate their "victory" at Mariupol (or what´s left of it), where 2,000 Ukrainian fighters are still holding out inside a huge steel plant.
Not sure why the Alt Right supports a Chechen jihad against White nationalists, but there you go...
A Nibiru-type conspiracy theory about a "fake sun" hiding the real sun for unclear reasons, something about the Biblical apocalypse, perhaps?
Debunked by a mysterious personage who calls himself Logicked. There is a *lot* of frankly paranoid stuff like this on YouTube, and I admire this man´s patience in sifting through it, patiently explaining all the fallacies. And while some of it may be hard trolling, there does seem to be a subset of this milieu which is deadly serious.
The part about the airport Yeti was extremely funny!
In Mariupol, the last Ukrainian defenders have taken shelter inside a huge steel plant. These defenders are believed to be the controversial Azov Battalion. And the name of the steel plant is...Azovstal.
I know, it´s because Mariupol is close to the Sea of Azov (which I presume the battalion is named after, too). Still, it does struck at least a foreign observer as somewhat...ominous.
John Michael Greer on reincarnation. Freely based on "Barddas", a Druid Revival scripture written (sort of) by Iolo Morganwg. Note the similarity to Theosophy.
A YouTube clip about the meaning of life from an atheist viewpoint. My take on the question is linked below!
Lite konspirationsteorier från Aftonbladet. Fullt tillåtet. Om man pekar ut Ryssland, förstås...
Men visst, det finns en del att gräva i här. Exempelvis detta: är det inte märkligt att det "pro-muslimska" Sverige plötsligt ger tillstånd till Koranbränningar i muslimskt dominerade förorter under ramadan, organiserade av en utländsk partiledare och rättshaverist? Varför anses Koranbränning plötsligt inte vara "hets mot folkgrupp"?
Skulle Sverige ge tillstånd till islamister att bränna Talmud i närheten av en synagoga? Eller ge nynazister tillstånd att bränna "Anne Franks dagbok" på samma plats? Vad sägs om att bränna Ukrainas fula jävla flagga utanför Migrationsverket i Sundbyberg?
Nej, det är ju inte så troligt. Hade jag varit muslim hade jag dragit, ska vi säga, intressanta slutsatser av det inträffade!
Sedan är det ju onekligen också väldigt intressant att de mest våldsamma motdemonstranterna var kriminella gäng, snarare än riktiga islamister. Det väcker också en del frågor. En som aldrig verkar ställas är om islamisterna (eller gamla goda Antifa) faktiskt samarbetar med kriminella? Är inte det enklare att tro än att Putte i Gårdarike ligger bakom?
Men visst, jag utesluter ingenting. Kan man skicka flyktingar över gränsen till Polen från Belarus i syfte att destabilisera EU, kan man säkert utnyttja kriminella gäng i svenska storstäder. Och naiva lilla Sverige går rätt i fällan...
Salvadoran president Bukele together with Donald Trump |
Digital currency was once seen as a tool to create a libertarian utopia. It was supposed to decentralize the world, or whatever.
Did it? Of course not.
Palladium magazine has the story of how Bitcoin was taken over by centralized state actors such as Russia or the peculiar administration currently governing El Salvador. Even the Taliban, of all people, have discovered Bitcoin.
The cryptocurrency is being used to monitor and control the financial transactions of individual citizens, while strengthening the power of nationalist regimes and/or circumvent international sanctions.
The next logical step is for governments to issue their very own digital currencies, thereby getting complete control of the citizens´ buying and selling...
Enjoy the ride, LOL-bertarians!
How Bitcoin strengthens the state
Globo-homo: Finns på riktigt? |
Två enkla frågor.
1) Vad anser den säkerhetspolitiska intelligentsian om den senaste geopolitiska spelplanen i det eurasiatiska hjärtlandet och dess implikationer för 2000-talets stormaktspolitik?
2) Sedan när blev "bög" ett acceptabelt slangord för "homosexuell man"?
Cyniskt att göra Dumbledore till bög
"Amazon - the lost world" is a three-part documentary from 2020, following archeologists and anthropologists trekking in the Amazon rain forests in South America. Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil and Peru are visited. The goal is to investigate evidence that a high culture once existed in the Amazon basin. Once believed to be pseudo-science, recent discoveries suggest that this was indeed the case. Early European explorers were telling the truth when they reported towns along the Amazon river. Likewise, traditions among certain Native tribes about a more glorious past (and much larger settlements) have also been proven correct. At its height, Amazon was the home to a population of about 10 million people!
The Amazonian civilizations disappeared during the 16th century due to a variety of factors: lethal diseases inadvertently introduced by the Europeans, poisoning by quicksilver (used in gold extraction), and massive slave-raiding. In some areas, the high cultures were declining already before the conquista, due to climate change. Some mysteries still remain, for instance why one Native group have genetic markers similar to those of Australian Aboriginals, Papuans and the Andamanese! That an ancient high culture can just disappear, its remains overgrown by jungle, its few descendants becoming hunters and gatherers, is quite chilling...
The documentary is "pro-Native" and features interviews with contemporary Native groups about their land rights struggles against the Brazilian state. We also get to follow a Peruvian army unit attacking illegal gold prospectors.
Actually quite interesting. Recommended.
The U.S. Socialist Workers Party has moved very far "to the right" in recent years. They support Ukraine against Russia, defend Israel (including the US-brokered Israel-Arab peace agreements), oppose the "witchhunt" of Donald Trump and his supporters, and even seem to defend the Electoral College and the Senate! They have also come out in support of nuclear power, and in one of the articles linked below defend a private business against "woke" "anti-racist" protesters.
The SWP are not necessarily wrong, but it *is* astonishing to see this hard Communist group (they still support Cuba!) take positions such as these. Some kind of ultra-popular frontism? One sure wonders how far they are willing to go. About seven years ago or so, a SWP supporter was shadowing me on Amazon´s American site, accusing me of being a nefarious Zionist when I supported the right of Israel to exist. Today, SWP seems to have adopted my old position (after a fashion)...
Some highlights from the articles:
>>>The liberals’ anti-working class angst leads them to target any part of the Constitution that provides an avenue for workers to put their stamp on politics, however indirectly. This is what is behind their hysterical campaign to get rid of the Electoral College and change the number of senators allocated to each state to be proportionate to the population.>>>
>>>Another Hamas leader, Saleh Al-Arouri, called the attacks a response to the March 28 summit of top government officials from Israel, the U.S, Bahrain, Egypt, Morocco and the United Arab Emirates, held in the Negev desert, the first such meeting on Israeli soil. It was a direct outgrowth of agreements made in 2020 between the Israeli government and four Arab governments that ended decades of treating Israel as a pariah state. Advanced by the Donald Trump administration, the pacts were tied to building a common front against the expanding military influence of the regime in Iran, which opposes Sunni Arab governments and calls for the destruction of Israel. The pacts led to greater trade and other relations. They also opened the door to more travel and contact between Israeli and Arab workers, which can advance their unity and solidarity in defending working-class interests against attacks by bosses and their governments.>>>
>>>In a relatively rare statement, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the terror attacks, saying, “The killing of Israeli and Palestinian civilians will only lead to a deterioration of the situation ahead of Ramadan.” But if Abbas wanted to help put an end to these deadly assaults he could end the so-called Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund, which makes monthly payments totaling millions of dollars to the families of residents of the West Bank who die in the course of carrying out exactly such killings.>>>
Islamist groups launch terror attacks against Jews in Israel
Amid scramble for oil, fight for nuclear power is the road to electrification
Defend independence of Ukraine! For defeat of Moscow´s invasion!
Capitalists attack political rights workers need
Court ruling for the Gibsons is a victory for working people
Gamle Badoglio. Folkfront, någon? |
SD brukar ju bli misstänkliggjorda för sin fascistiska och nynazistiska bakgrund. Inte för att de är fascister eller nynazister idag (åtminstone inte på rixnivå). Utan för att de var det på 1990-talet.
Vilket är fullt logiskt ur liberal synvinkel, antar jag.
Men i så fall kan man inte försvara Azov med argumentet att de "inte längre" är nazister, att bara 20% av soldaterna är det, eller något sådant.
Eller hur?
Ändå ser vi den vinklingen. Bland liberaler. Och kanske även på vänstra flanken. Är det inte lustigt?
Här kommer en mer baserad vinkling: om det var rätt att under andra världskriget alliera sig med den gamle folkmördaren Badoglio mot Hitler och Musse, så kanske det är rätt att alliera sig med Azov mot Putte idag. Även om Azov är nynazister, gammelnazister, ex-nazister, krypto-nazister, ex-krypto-nazister, krypto-ex-nazister, poste-restante-nazister, post-partum-nazister, post-hoc-nazister, ironiska Twitter-nazister (20%), eller whatever whenever.
Min IRL-identitet kommer givetvis förneka att hen skrivit ovanstående om ETC startar Twitter-drevish mot nyss nämnda IRL-identitet.
Allt är jätteenkelt. Det är ju krig. Och i krig kan man av höga etiska orsaker helt enkelt bara sluta köpa olja och gas från Ryssland. Lätt som en plätt! Visste ni inte det? Amatöööörer!
Jag stödjer som bekant Ukraina, men jag måste ändå säga att jag hade en viss poäng när jag postade nedanstående inlägg så sent som i oktober förra året...
Apropå drevet mot att Mikael Damberg stödde oligarken Kattabasska eller vad fan han heter.
Nipsipporna på bilden här ovan är förresten ukrainska!
Aftonbladets kulturredaktör (?) Eric Rosén får in en del poänger här, faktiskt. Och det gäller oavsett vad man anser om just Azov eller RT. Vilket han också påtalar.
Sri Lankan president Gotabaya Rajapaksa |
What actually happens if a poor nation tries to "go green". Clue: Less food, higher prices, suddenly overpopulation becomes a problem. Please don´t tell the pampered greenies at your local community college!
How Environmental Wokeness Cost Sri Lanka its Food Security
Sri Lanka rows back on chemical fertilizer ban
"When Were You Born" is an American film from 1938. Although made by Warner Brothers, it seems to be a rather low-budget B movie. It´s interesting mostly for some kind of cultural reasons.
One of the main characters, astrologer Miss Ming, is starred by famous Chinese-American actor Anna May Wong. The story was written by Canadian-American esotericist Manly P Hall, author of "The Secret Teachings of All Ages". I had no idea Hall was into Hollywood movies! (In the film, his name is spelled Manley P Hall.) Hall was a firm believer in astrology, and the film is really propaganda for this ancient superstition, even to the point of Hall himself appearing in an introductory segment, trying to explain the basics of the zodiacal signs.
The plot of "When Were You Born" revolves around a murder mystery in San Fransisco, with Miss Ming trying to aid the police by casting horoscopes. She also seems to be into some kind of phrenology. While Ming is portrayed sympathetically, it´s a curious trait of the story that she practices *Western* astrology, rather than the Chinese version!
The characters in the film represent various astrological personality types. The loyal but brooding secretary is a Virgo, the mercurial reporter a Gemini, the hot headed murder suspect is an Aries, and so on. Naturally, the art collector is a Libra. Sometimes, the types make no sense, presumably because 1938 astrology was somewhat different from the 2022 version. The fat and slightly morose Piscean police officer doesn´t strike me as particularly spiritual and new agey, for instance.
I admit that I didn´t quite get the dénouement (I suspected the Scorpio of being the assassin - I mean, who else *could* it be?), but I didn´t watch "When Were You Born" for its dramatic qualities, but due to its "esoteric" connections. Available on YouTube.
An article from the Trotskyist "In Defence of Marxism" website on the recent presidential elections in France.
Some highlights:
>>>The bourgeois press are now raising a hue and cry about the threat of a ‘fascist’ president in the second country of Europe. Such hysteria can be dismissed out of hand. Marine le Pen is certainly a reactionary brute, but she is no fascist. In actual fact, she is a demagogue who has modelled her campaign on that of Donald Trump in the United States. She has gained ground particularly in working-class departments in the north, and former industrial heartlands of la France profonde (“deep France”) that were decimated by deindustrialisation. With the present cost of living crisis putting even more pressure on poor workers and middle-class layers, Le Pen’s pledges to cut taxes on fuel and other necessities, and incentivise businesses to raise wages, have struck a chord.
>>>Far from a shift to the right or towards fascism, Le Pen’s growing popularity at Macron’s expense represents a growing resentment by working-class and middle-class layers towards the status quo. It expresses class anger towards a hated and out-of-touch elite, albeit in a distorted way. A 69-year-old former miner from Stiring-Wendel, a small town in eastern France, was quoted in the Wall Street Journal as saying that, until recently, he never really imagined Le Pen could become president. “She was too scary… she represented the far right, and she wanted to leave Europe. Now, I can see her as president. She is more serious, more focused on our struggle.” Even a section of former PCF voters are transferring their support to Le Pen. This is also a direct expression of the right-wing drift off the party itself.
>>>The PCF bears particular shame in these elections by choosing to stand a candidate (Fabien Roussel) against Mélenchon, rather than stepping aside as in 2017. The PCF received 2.3 percent in the first round, which while derisory, might nevertheless have been enough to tip the balance in Mélenchon’s favour, blocking Le Pen and turning the second round into a clear-cut contest between the right and left. This would have electrified the situation, and doubtlessly drawn in a big section of non-voters behind FI, as they would have been presented with a genuine alternative. The same is true of tiny parties like the NPA and Lutte Ouvrière (LO), who despite getting less than one percent each could have changed the character of these elections entirely by pulling out of the race.
>>>In the end, these parties have accomplished nothing other than to guarantee a right-wing president, lose their campaign expenses, and secure their continued irrelevance. Roussel has even joined the PS and LR in endorsing Macron in the second round. These characters had the gall to justify running in the election on ‘pragmatic’ grounds, arguing that Mélenchon couldn’t win anyway. And now, after helping ensure Mélenchon did not win, we witness the sorry spectacle of a so-called Communist ‘pragmatically’ endorsing a banker!
Read all of it here:
French elections: resounding rejection of the establishment
Jean-Luc Mélenchon |
Lite skvaller. Hübinette var tydligen "inblandad" i turerna kring Kajsa Ekis Ekman.
Tobias Hübinette om Kajsa Ekis Ekman och Dagens ETC
Kajsa Ekis Ekman sparkad av Dagens ETC
Is God actually dead? A curious speculation from a polytheist perspective. If gods are born, live and can die, and if Cretans don´t always lie, then perhaps the secularization of the West means that the Biblical God is...dead? That is, he literally died around 1945 or so! Not sure what to make of this, frankly...
Halvledarna nu igen! Jag trodde vi satt säkra så länge Taiwan hade vatten (och världens största halvledarfabrik). Och de hade problem med vattnet p.g.a. klimatförändringar. Och kanske problem med Kina p.g.a. geopolitiska dito.
Tyvärr behöver de neon också.
Och ädelgasen produceras i - ni gissade rätt - Ukraina...
Tyvärr inte helt oväntat. Lägg förresten märke till att torskarnas och pimparnas etniska bakgrund inte framgår av nyhetstelegrammet. Varför inte? Är exempelvis slavhandlarna också ukrainare? Och varför befinner de sig i Sverige, i så fall?
Thomas Sheridan has a point here.
I had a quasi-religious experience once outside a nuclear power plant (yes, I know, I know, I´m nuts). Realized years, nay, decades later that perhaps I was worshipping Prometheus.
So why can´t some people get such experiences when contemplating wind farms? What god they are inadvertently paying tribute to is, alas, less clear...
"We have a problem, Ramzan, the shitlibs have succesfully managed to portray the Azov Battalion as some kind of multi-ethnic rescue mission! Like a bunch of Bronies or something!"
"Don´t worry, Vlad, we just tell the SJWs that Chechnya is a Muslim state with sharia laws and advanced Sufi spirituality, a bit like Palestine in fact. We also point out that Azov´s supreme commander is a Jew! Then, the Wokesters will all come over to our side..."
En artikel som driver linjen att Azov-bataljonen numera *inte* är nynazister. Från den högerliberala (?) tidskriften Kvartal. Lägg märke till att Svenska Dagbladets tidigare utrikeskorre Ola Wong skrivit förordet!
Fler länkar om Azov-dramatiken (artikeln på Dagens ETC är låst, så den kan jag tyvärr inte länka till):
Jean-Marie Le Pen laughing |
I admit that I don´t understand French political culture. Why on earth does every obscure political formation in the Hexagon insist on fielding candidates of their own in the first round of the presidentials?
Judging by the prognosis for the recent presidential elections, Marine Le Pen has a narrow lead over leftist candidate Mélenchon. Which means that the left must vote Macron to stop Le Pen in the second round.
*But if the Communists, New Anticapitalist Party and Lutte Ouvrière had voted for Mélenchon in the first round, he would have defeated Le Pen*.
I can´t say that I give much damn, but it does show the sectarian idiocy of these people (by their own standards). In 2002, the left split their votes so badly that Jean-Marie Le Pen (the real fascist) defeated them, presumably forcing the leftists to vote for regular rightist Jacques Chirac in the second round.
Or am I missing something somewhere? Maybe the French left wants excuses to form popular fronts?