Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Trot Watch

The only working class guy in the entire Spartacist tendency? Note that he was Jim Robertson´s enforcer! Note also the bizarre sectarianism. To sell literature inside a building where a social forum is organized is apparently "popular frontism"?! 

Otherwise, I note that Workers Hammer has raised the truly Spartacist slogan "Donate Trident to North Korea". Shades of the Yuri Andropov Brigade and the Jalalabad trail? I admit that I missed the publications of this tendency, and Jim´s colorful insults...

Also, which end of the Trident is the business end?

George Crawford´s obituary in "Workers Hammer"


  1. It seems the SL is embarking on a kind of paleo-Spart turn after *decades* of more or less cryptic right-wing centrism (pardon my Trotskyese). But why has Workers Hammer been published, and not Workers Vanguard? Will the real Trot Watch plz stand up?

  2. The Sparts aren´t *really* anti-lockdown or anti-mandate. They just want to be the sole enforcers of these policies, and since they aren´t, they oppose the lockdowns and vaxx mandates for *that* reason. The anti-COVID restrictions are of course enforced by the great and dreaded bourgeoisie!

  3. OK, this was funny...

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hade nästan gömt dom....

  6. Hmm... "Our defence of Polanski is part of our struggle to forge a Leninist party that will act as a tribune of the people, able to react, as Lenin put it in What is to be done?"...

  7. Ett annat exempel.

    “‘Paedophilia’ simply means sexual desire towards children. To equate this with child murder and rape is grotesque and partakes of the same reactionary bourgeois bigotry which declares all sex other than heterosexual monogamy to be ‘deviant’. We oppose the persecution of those who engage in consensual intergenerational sex, we oppose the reactionary ‘age of consent’ laws and we have a long record of defending against persecution organisations such as the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) and the British Paedophile Information Exchange, whose leaders were jailed in 1984 for advocating the right of youth under the ‘age of consent’ to have sex with adults.”

    — Workers Hammer no 174, Autumn 2000

  8. Spartacist League när de var som "bäst". Totalt sjuk grupp.

    Deras tidining heter fortfarande Workers Vanguard. Workers Hammer är den brittiska "sektionens" publikation.

  9. Lite märkligt att Spartacist League (om man läser artikeln noggrannt) inte är principiella motståndare till bokstavlig tvångsvaccinering. Deras motstånd är taktiskt. Fast om de vore konsekventa borde de vara mot tvångsvaccinering, eftersom de ju försvarar pedofili, passiv rökning, porr, eutanasi, knark och jag vet inte vad!

  10. Läste fel och trodde först det stod "Thot watch". Men de där bindgalna trottarna i Buenos Aries som Daily stormer hade så roligt åt kvalade nog in både som trottar och thottar.
