Sunday, September 19, 2021

Space opera

Our favorite (sort of) astral traveler Cyrus Kirkpatrick is getting more and more lost in his personal mythology, it seems. His recent clip tells a complicated story about an intelligent but sociopathic race of aliens known as the Aldmari, who apparently dominated billions of star worlds on the astral planes, until their evil shenanigans made "God" destroy them and reset the entire cosmic timeline! 

Maybe Cyrus really does believe all this, but personally, I see it as metaphor for the kind of spiritual teachings this particular content-creator wants us to contemplate. The Aldmari are suspiciously similar to globalist Big Business capitalists and militarists down here on planet Earth, building city-scapes that look like darker versions of Manhattan. Indeed, Cyrus says that our world is still under Aldmari influence, despite the timeline reset (which I think happened this Thursday). Also, their spiritual teachings are similar to those Cyrus has criticized for years in his books and on his YouTube channel. 

The Aldmari talk about "merging with God" through Zen-like meditation, breaking free from the karmic cycles, realizing that the world is an illusion, that good and bad doesn´t really exist, and so on. This kind of message is very common in New Age and "Buddhist" circles, but Cyrus believes that it´s really a cover for a sociopathic craving for power which ultimately ends in "the second death". Breaking free from all karma really means breaking free from the web of life, from the universe were everything is connected to everything else, thinking you´re some kind of omnipotent deity all by yourself. 

In the same way, letting go of your individuality really means a kind of cosmic suicide, rather than a positive unity with the Divine Source. The Aldmari combines love and kindness with child sacrifice and other henious acts, once again acting like particularly deviant New Age believers, who also merge "love" with poison. 

There may be some truth to all this, and who knows, maybe you need to claim authority from spirit communications and space aliens to convince people in this milieu, but personally, I find this to be just another channelled "space opera"...  

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