Thursday, September 9, 2021

Cycles of violence

1000 BC to 600 AD in the Atacama, northern Chile. Communities of farmers and fishermen engage in bloody tribal warfare. Yes, folks, welcome to another Native killing spree! But I´m sure these people were highly spiritual somehow, and could teach us something new agey about finding ourselves with meditation, homeopathy and hash? Or no?

Farming brought burst of extreme violence to the Atacama Desert


  1. Perhaps it can be blamed on farming? Evrything usually can, if you ask the peleo-utopistic primiivists. Farming to them is like straight white males to the woke mob.

  2. Yes, the article actually *does* blame it on farming!

  3. I guy i studied with was one of those utopic primitivists. First time i talked to him he asked if i was a Bird. I was eating seeds you see, lentils to be precise.
    Intresting to listen to his "obvious facts" as he viewed his theories as. He blamed just about evrything on farming. Cronic and acute diseases, mental problems of all kinds, perversions(homsosexuality included) on farming.
    He only ate meat, organs and fruit(in the botanical sense), somwhow be viewed all aviable vegetables and herbs as agricultural in their "DNA".
    one weird guy obviously wrong with many of his "obvious facts" but very funny to listen to.
    Damn, he even bashed meditation as "a syptom of mental illness common in farming cultures and compared it to Children rocking back and forth to comfort themselves when stressed out. I somwhow found that one funny and with a grain of truth.
