Tuesday, September 14, 2021

It was just a LARP

Since the liberation of Kabul by the Pashtun Muslim fighters last month, something has happened to Breitbart News. You know, the erstwhile flagship of Trumpism-Cruzism-nationalism-isolationism. Breitbart has started to sound like Neo-Cons. No, worse, they actually sounds like Democrats. Many of their articles about the US debacle in Afghanistan sound distinctly *liberal* in tone. I won´t link to them. You can easily find them on their site. 

So what the heck is going on here? 

I think I may have an answer.

It was all a LARP. Conservative isolationism, that is. 

Iso-cons are like libertariantards. It´s a meme ideology, best honored in the breach. Indeed, if it "works" at all, it´s probably only because America is an Empire and the US military keeps it safe. This is obvious in the case of libertarianism, which also has the added benefit of the US being economically dominant on the global level, complete with an International Monetary Fund and a Federal Reserve system. Without which the US economy would (of course) collapse. But it´s equally obvious in the case of isolationist conservatism. It only works because the US has no powerful enemies against which to isolate itself!

I was going to say that libertarians can pretend to favor "free enterprise" in the shadow of Big Business and Big Bank, but that´s a meaningless statement, since libertarians *don´t run any businesses in the first place*. They prefer to form think-tanks, start faux political parties, and in general grift themselves through life, a bit like the moochers in Randian fiction. Meanwhile, iso-cons can have their little "township meetings", "local Republican clubs", Church get togethers, all in the shadow of the nuclear missiles and international military treaties that makes their cozy little 1950´s imitation lifestyles possible. Isolationism? Don´t make me laugh.

It was all a lie, from the Spanish-American War in 1898 (or thereabouts) until today. But now...the LARP has been called.

Imagine an America which can´t force anyone to exchange their local currency for dollars, an America that doesn´t control the world´s gold reserves (or even the gold), an America that can´t get semiconductors to its military because China just occupied some shitty island in the Yellow Sea, an America that can´t even get heroine for its heroine junkies since some sharia-loving warband took over the poppy fields and won´t sell...

Not so funny anymore, is it? That´s how a FAILED STATE looks like. 

Well, that was what your program would have inevitably led to, already 20, 40, 80 or 160 years ago. Funny it´s finally happening, blowing your little pretenses sky high.

Oh, and don´t forget to pass the ice cream.

Chances are, that´s probably also made in China!

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