Sunday, September 12, 2021

Kiwi or Yowie?

"Boogeymen" seems to be the ghost-hunting equivalent to "MonsterQuest": boring, dragging, and no ghosts in sight (let alone monsters). 

This episode deals with a New Zealand ghostly monster known as the Moehau, named after a mountain at the Coromandel Peninsula on North Island. It´s not even entirely clear whether the "monster" is folklore or fakelore, and several of the interviewees don´t believe its real at all. Indeed, many episodes of this series seem scripted, with the people interviewed looking slightly frivolous or mischievous. Or is it just their strange accents? The Yowie episode at least featured a stoned hippie who seemed to take the Australian Bigfoot cousin seriously enough, but this NZ landfall mostly features old people who retell camp fire stories or stuff they heard at the local pub. There is also a school class where the kids (referred to as "my monsters" by their teacher) draw funny pictures of the Moehau! 

There could be some kind of connection to Maori folklore, but at some point, the Moehau became a ghost story among gold-diggers and wild pig hunters, perhaps to entertain, perhaps to scare away competitors from the local hills. Less likely is the claim that sailors abandoned gorillas at the New Zealand shores - perhaps an urban legend by itself? (Compare "the Gypsy caravan" in Europe or "pet panthers" in Australia.) In the YouTube commentary section, many NZ-ers claim never to have heard the Moehau lore before, which is interesting in itself. Considering the killing spree of the local fauna already at the time of the Maori settlement, let alone later when the White boys arrived, the idea of a gigantic hominid having survived in an area teeming with crazy gold-prospectors and hunters seems far-fetched to say the least. 

But sure, if you believe in literal ghosts, I suppose there could still be one even on Mount Moehau...  

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