Sunday, September 5, 2021

Beware of Big Pharma´s latest therapy scam

Credit: Michael M Stokes

I´m sure many people *do* feel despair when informed about the stark realities of climate change, but I nevertheless have to play "Devil´s advocate" here. 

First, nobody in the United States (as far as I know) is drowning or starving to death as a consequence of climate change. Second, this is obviously the next big thing for Big Pharma and Big Shrink to sink their profit-hungry teeth into. Third, the despair felt by some over climate change *is nothing* compared to what will happen when the trans-kids get older and want to detransition, or if (I hope it´s if!) the needlecraft turns out to be toxic. 

Fourth, I can give you some free advice. Get active in the Green political campaign of your choice (and no, I don´t particularly like any of them myself). Or start prepping hard. Or vote for some nationalist who can at least save *your* people from the coming storms. Or take up meditation and leave Earth for Nirvana before the hurricane hits...

"Climate despair" sweeps nation


  1. Wheter you believe in climate change or not, i Think a lot of this is people channeling their angst into something that is acceptable and emcouraged by the establishmemt.
