Sunday, September 26, 2021

Here be dragons...and peacock-plumed tall tales

Now, this one is *very* hard to believe! It´s not even clear whether this is folklore sensu stricto, or some kind of fakelore. 

According to local legend (or local pub tall tales), the area around Penllyn Castle in Glamorgan, Wales, UK was inhabited by - wait for it - peacock-plumed flying serpents as late as the 19th century, said plumed serpents having a notorious penchant for munching and feasting on the chicken of the local fakelorists. 

Eh, come again?! 

That these "snakes" were really misidentified pheasants, peacocks or parrots is hardly likely (for starters, not even Welsh peacocks eat chicken nuggets). Nor is the idea of a misidentified exotic cryptid bird very likely, since the local game-hunters and voracious Victorian collectors would surely have come across it, shot it and placed it in a local cabinet of curiosities, where Richard Owen would no doubt have spotted it, too. 

That leaves fairies (but fairies don´t leave reptile skin) or a local Cymric bard with story-telling abilities far surpassing those of good ol´ Iolo Morganwg!  

The peacock-plumed flying serpents of Glamorgan

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