Sunday, January 21, 2024

The new censorship


Sabine Hossenfelder calls out a new attempt to counter "misinformation" on YouTube. In reality, to censor it. This time around, it´s climate change denial that should be stopped, and it seems the definition of what constitutes such a denial has broadened considerably. "The new climate denial" include people who are skeptical of the officially approved solutions to climate change. By that "logic", I could be censored for pointing out that Elon Musk´s EVs don´t work in the dead of winter! 

I assume the "NGO" behind the proposal is connected to the fake "Green transition" wing of the political establishment, and that their staff consist of former climate activists who turned 22 this winter?

If you want to know what the powers-that-be (or one of their wings) are afraid of, look no further than to who they want to censor! But yeah, I have a long list of people *I* would like to kick off social media platforms. So there´s that, I suppose.  


  1. Reflektioner över en annan av hennes videor

  2. Min extremt korta kommentar till den videon finns här:

    Det där James Webb-teleskopet verkar ha varit en riktig bra investering, ha ha!
