Wednesday, January 31, 2024



"Thank God I don´t live on Borneo,
so I don´t have to care about
the fate of the fair orang-utan" 

Some more info on the Jakarta situation, mentioned in a previous blog post. Jakarta, at the island of Java, is the capital of Indonesia, and is literally sinking due to extensive ground water extraction (read: overpopulation). The Indonesian government therefore plans to build a new capital at the island of Borneo, named Nusantara (which apparently means "Archipelago"). 

Are they "only" moving over 1 million civil servants to Borneo, or is the plan to move the entire 10 million Jakartan population there? I assume that would doom the Bornean ecosystem, but it may be pretty much doomed anyway...

The fate of the orang-utan at the hands of its evolutionary cousins is a sad one. 

Why Indonesia is moving its capital from Jakarta to Borneo

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