Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Atomer och molekyler


Kommer ihåg hur läroböckerna såg ut när jag gick på högstadiet. Fysik var typ det svåraste ämnet, svårare än vanlig matte. Kemi var piece of cake för en "teoretiker" som övertecknad, men det verkar som att ämnet fördummats sedan sist. Hur i allsin dar kan man lära ut kemi utan att ta upp det periodiska systemet?! 

Fast här kommer en obekväm tanke: tänk om skolan "måste" dumma ner sina läroböcker *eftersom både elever och lärare faktiskt blivit mer korkade*? 

"Eleverna lär sig inte vad fysik och kemi innebär"


  1. There is a pay wall on the article but I get the gist of it. Listening to ex President Trump blather in his most recent interview, I came to the conclusion, just looking out my kitchen window, the world has been taken over by Stupidity! Very disheartening...over here we are continually barraged by Trump's insane and inane comments...and the MAGA crowds believe him! But don't worry! He'll end the Ukraine conflict is 24 hours! Scary thing is, he could win the presidency again and take revenge on everything and everyone he sees as disloyal to...Himself! Still waiting for the narcissistic collapse. It could be though we as homo sapiens have totally lost, or maybe never had sapiency. Maybe better to hide under a rock in the forest like your Sasquatch meme, and hide from the present geopolitical situation!
    When I see a newborn child I wonder what kind of world they will inherit, and what, if anything, I could do about it.

  2. There was no pay wall when I accessed it. Maybe it can´t be accessed from the United States?

    As for Trump, his foreign policy was so eclectic and unpredictable that nobody really knows what he´ll do vis-a-vis Ukraine. Putin recently complained that Trump actually imposed more sanctions on Russia than Obama! Although I suspect he did that to please Congress...

    Here´s a bizarre scenario: Trump and Biden are both nominated, Trump goes to prison, and Biden dies two days before the election. Constitutional crisis, much?

    Here is an interesting Wiki entry on a two-term emperor, which may or may not be relevant...


    1. Whomever controls the Army, wins! What a world to live in back then...if you weren't nobility you were a slave, or conscripted to fight *heathen savages* and/or live to be 30 yrs old if lucky. And what about women's rights? Christianity was already doomed by the 8th century! Paywall gibberish below: (I see the kronor is .90 of a USD today! better than Canada at .74)

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  3. https://ashtarbookblog.blogspot.com/2018/09/the-men-who-stare-at-christ.html

  4. Jag tyckte fysik var ett av de lättaste och fick femma i det, och att kemi var ett av de svåraste, och fick tvåa i det.

  5. Någon har sagt till mig att "praktiker" gillar fysik, medan "teoretiker" gillar kemi. Det stämmer i vart fall in på mig, eftersom jag alltid har haft väldigt lätt för just teoretiska ämnen, orienteringsämnen eller "onödiga ämnen". Och jäkligt svårt för tillämpad matematik. Så teoretiska resonemang om atomer och molekyler (åtminstone på dåtidens högstadienivå) störde mig inte, däremot alla jäkla matteuppgifter i fysikboken...!
