Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Something´s up


A somewhat strange conversation between an anon and John Michael Greer, at the latter´s Magic Monday feature at Ecosophia. 

Anonymous: Dear JMG, For the last few weeks, starting a bit before the earthquake in Morroco, I've been having strange, very active, and mostly disturbing dreams. My girl friend is suffering from the same, and today at lunch I found out that my whole family is dealing with the same issue. We're all having a very active dream space. I've been doing the SOP (for quite a few months now), and when I feel it's going to be a bad night, I pray 10 Hail-Mary's and an Our Father before going to sleep. The bad dreams went mostly away, but the amount of them is still immense. If it was just me, I'd just blame my unconscious, but since it's affecting other people, I wonder if you know some other cause.

So, the question is, do you know what might be happening? Weird stuff in the skies? Astral crud? Mass amounts of people dying (Morocco and Libya?)? Any indications on how to have a less dream-heavy sleep?

Second question is, I have a daily prayer ritual, in which I talk to Gods that are in the various directions. Today, I went to the direction where Michael, the Archangel usually is (he recently moved from North to South), and I'm pretty sure it wasn't him I interacted with. The whole time we were together felt strange. Long story short, I went straight to the Goddess with whom I have the closest relation with, and after talking a bit, she told me to go away, since it wasn't a good time to be there. By there, I got the meaning the light trance/astral place I use to go and communicate with them. And that I did, saying my thank-yous to the gods fast and coming back to waking consciousness.

It was a very odd experience. I've had this daily prayer ritual for more than 3 years, and they never told me anything of the sort. Do you have any idea of what could have happened?

Kind wishes, and thanks in advance.

John Michael Greer: There are some very, very weird things moving through the astral these days. I don't have a clear sense of what they portend, but something's up.

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