Thursday, September 14, 2023

Jesus Christ Superstar


Intressant recension av en kristen film från USA (som jag inte har sett). Det verkar faktiskt ha funnits "vänster-evangelikaler" i USA på 1970-talet, inklusive en senator som motsatte sig Vietnamkriget. Mark Hatfield? Fast Jesus-rörelsen verkar ha varit mer strikt konservativ... 

"Förenklad evangelikal blick på frälsta hippies"

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we sure can't have "woke folks" 'round heah! We called them Jesus Freaks. They would travel around in an old school bus and live communally in what was left of the huge apartments in Uptown, a neighborhood on the northside of Chicago. They would baptize you on the spot (or street) if need be! But yes, as usual there's a fly in the ointment of most if not all preachers and not keeping one's hands to oneself is usually the crux of the matter. The film should be shown with the Frisbee documentary as the author suggests. Jimmy Carter is a much underrated President who lost to Reagan when *Teflon Ron* convinced Iran to withhold releasing the hostages until he got elected, to make Carter look bad.
