Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Monsters of Gubbängen (?!)


Just found this on YouTube. It´s an American channel called "Phantoms and Monsters Radio". This episode contain two ghost stories which seem completely unrelated: one American, the other Swedish. 

The Swedish tale begins around the 8:33 mark. 

Weirdly, it details encounters with a Bigfoot-like creature in Gubbängen, a suburb of Stockholm! The forest in question is presumably Majroskogen (which seems to be relatively small). The creature is never really seen, but creates considerable mayhem anyhow. 

It´s *very* hard to believe that there are huge "trolls" in a forest just outside a residential area in the capital of Sweden, but considering all the other shit going on here right now, it doesn´t seem completely out of character either...  


  1. Its those kryptotrolls doing all the shootings and bombings. But of course the racists blame immigrants instead and even deny the existence of bigfoots etc.
    But there are some good trolls as well. Greta for exampel, colaborating with that masked somali gentleman.

  2. I remember the strange rumor that Greta was a time traveler from, I think, the Yukon!

  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7702261/Old-photo-girl-1898-sparks-claims-Greta-Thunberg-time-traveller-sent-save-us.html

  4. That kind of rumors are usually exellent PR, whoever you are. Some PR firms are very good at orchestrating rumors that add to the mystiqe and carisma of their clients and making the rumor seem organic in origin.
    But i suppose it could simply be some loon with an unhealthy obsession with Greta.
    This thing with Greta-loonies is intresting. Among young people its almost only girls in their teens worshipping her. Among males however... its a bunch of men above 40, and they are even more fanatic than the teenage girls.
    Most of the teenage girls get over Greta, just like with tbe boy bands they used to worship.The older male Greta-heads however... Its a long lasting and somewhat frightening syndrome.

  5. Jag bodde i Gubbängen från och med ett och ett halvt till åtta års ålder så jag ska se det med ett visst intresse. Jag tycke redan då att det var något spöklikt mer orten jag bodde i....

    Erik R

  6. PS. Har letat runt lite på nätet och hittar inget som bekräftar denna märkliga historia. Filmen är tagen i en typisk skog och kan vara tagna var som helst. Om sådana händelser inträffade i Gubbängen borde väl i alla fall det finnas några om det på några svenska sidor.

  7. Håller med, historien är med stor sannolikhet en skröna som någon skickat in till just den här YouTube-kanalen. Många inslag på den verkar vara typiska och "tidlösa" spökhistorier.

  8. Hade ju varit mer trovärdigt om historien förlagts till, säg, Norrlands stora skogar, istället för ett område i närheten av en förort med tunnelbana.

  9. Å andra sidan kan väl spöken finnas överallt. Om man tolkar historien som en specifik spökhistoria. Tolkar man den som en historia om ett okänt monsterliknande djur blir den ju *väldigt* svår att tro på!
