Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Endgame cancelled?


The earnest and frank atheist agitator with the strange moniker "Genetically Modified Skeptic" discusses how Christianity might end in the United States.

Come again?!

Drew (the real name of this content-creator) discusses three possible scenarios: that Christianity (and all other religions in the US) are simply overtaken by secularization, that Christianity is overtaken by another religion (probably through demographic change), or that Christianity changes and therefore becomes a different faith altogether. 

While the discussion is interesting, I think Mr Modified is somewhat naïve in writing off the second scenario, especially since he thinks the climate crisis is real. But if so, mass migration of Muslims and Hindus to the United States is a real possibility. Of course, so is mass immigration of Christians from, say, Latin America, which is happening already. Indeed, Christianity might be saved as the *majority* religion by such a development, although I doubt White evangelicals would appreciate a Hispanic Catholic Estados Unidos!

On the other hand, the climate crisis might make the United States singularly unattractive moving to...

The third option is a kind of cheating, since of course Christianity will change when faced with the challenges of the 21st century, but so will "civic religion". And those changes might not be for the better. The future might be one of evangelical fascism, Hispanic folk Catholicism, and some kind of weird pagan-anarchist-Communist fringe.

In the end, the Skeptic admits that he doesn´t really know, but neither does anyone else...

My guess, though, is that people will still read the Bible, go to church and await the Second Advent in 2100.   


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