Thursday, August 31, 2023

A report from the trenches

The first link goes to a kind of "situation report" c/o Richard Carrier concerning certain key ideas compatible with Mythicism. 

The second goes to one of my previous blog posts in which I speculate about the horrid fate and collapse of Christianity and Christendom in the wake of Carrierite Mythicism being triumphantly victorious. Clue: it aint gonna happen, dude!

Here is a quote from Carrier´s article:

>>>The idea that Christianity began with a High Christology. This is a problem for historicity because it means the idea that Jesus was an incarnate celestial being who existed since the dawn of time was not a later legend attached to a historical person. It is instead what Christians were claiming from day one. Which means no historical person was needed for this idea to take shape. 

>>>Though of course these ideas could have been attached to a historical person (even right away), any imagined revelatory encounter with such a being, discovered hidden in scripture and portending the imminent end of the world, would do. 

>>>Moreover, the concealing of this information in the Gospels thereby proves they were not meant to be literal guides to Christian history and doctrine, but hide the truth behind stories and allegory, letting the real doctrine only leak out slowly over time. Exactly as mythicism predicts, and only certain models of historicity do. 

Note also what he says about 1 Peter later in the text!

Some controversial ideas that now have wide scholarly support

Not the impossible faith

I feel blue


Credit: Ursus sapien

So the darn blue supermoon is invisible due to an overcast...AND IT AINT EVEN BLUE IN THE FIRST PLACE??!! FAKE NEWS!!!

Biggest pseudo-event of the year, if you ask me. Unless it floods Atlanta, I suppose...

We live in a post-blue moon society.  

Cargo cult


Avi Loeb, the Harvard professor who believes that the mysterious object ´Oumuamua was an interstellar space ship, claims to have discovered new evidence for UFOs and alien visits. More specifically some kind of metallic droplets found in the ocean off New Guinea. 

In the second clip, he speculates that aliens could use dark matter and ditto energy to traverse the great expanses of the universe.

Yeah, sure. Or maybe it´s just disinfo as usual, right? 

False Light teachings


Look who´s back...

Yes, it´s that bewildering cosmic channeler Cyrus Kirkpatrick again. Many of his criticisms of the New Age are spot on in my opinion, but they are combined with a form of strident sectarianism and quasi-apocalypticism I don´t really vibrate with. And, of course, a "space opera" back story which sounds like it´s taken from some scy fy computer game. 

Kirkpatrick explains some of his ideas further in the comments below the video. Thus, he believes that most NDEs will suck you into a seemingly loving "hive mind" of discarnate souls which is really cultic and fanatical. On the astral level, "New Age" and "Muslim" hive minds (for example) might even wage wars against each other! The solution is not to enter the Light, but to become "an independent soul traveling the multiverse".

Is it all just clever metaphor? Or should it be taken literally? Probably the latter, judging by Kirkpatrick´s earlier videos (some of which I commented on this blog two years ago). He made some enemies, too, and claims to be under some kind of demonic attack. Weird that he doesn´t seem to realize that (of course) the proto-apocalyptic stuff about upcoming great shifts in consciousness connected to UFOs is also BS...    

In the bridal chamber of the aeons


A short introduction to Valentinian Gnosticism. Perhaps too short? From the popularized scholarly channel Religion For Breakfast on YouTube. 

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

The winter of civilization


Edward Dutton´s take on the recent British air traffic chaos. Short form: technology won´t save our precious little asses since the IQ of the general population is declining. And that´s that!

Scary thought (not addressed): what if our military capability is impacted by this kind of shit? Or is the Russian IQ also declining...?  

Blue moon over Florida


Breitbart News just now about the hurricane Idalia, currently wreaking havoc in Florida. Note the sensationalism about Biblical floods and the "rare blue supermoon" reference, which probably isn´t scientific to Breitbart´s readers - they are more likely to think of the blood moon apocalypse! 

But nothing about, I don´t know, climate change or something like that... 

The mystery of Christ

Previously posted on September 6, 2018 under a different title. 

"Christianity as Mystical Fact and the Mysteries of Antiquity" is a book by Rudolf Steiner, the founder of Anthroposophy, a spiritual movement which claims to represent esoteric Christianity. In his book, Steiner attempts to explain the relationship between the ancient mystery religions and Christianity. While he makes interesting points, the work is tedious, boring and difficult to read - although not as difficult as many other writings by this author!

Most esoteric groups claim that the Gospels are clever allegories with a message identical to that of earlier mystery cults. Steiner, by contrast, believed that the events depicted in the Gospels were in *some* sense literally true. His belief in spiritual evolution led him to concede that Christianity was, on a number of important points, different from the ancient mysteries. Thus, Steiner adopts a position similar to some modern Christian theologians (and C.S. Lewis). The mysteries were a preparation for the ministry of Jesus Christ, a kind of pagan version of the Old Testament. In this manner, both similarities and differences between the mysteries and Christianity can be accounted for. Christianity, while expressing the same basic truths as the mystery religions, was nevertheless at a higher stage of spiritual-cosmic evolution. Christianity is a "mystical fact", not simply allegory.

In the mystery cults, the initiate becomes "a son of God" by establishing contact with the Spirit in his individual soul. The mysteries were exclusive, in the sense that only a few individuals reached their highest pinnacles. In Christianity, the Son of God or Logos who lies suspended cross-wise in the universe is literally born as a man in order to manifest the Logos to all of humanity, not just a select few. Jesus thus becomes the unique Son of God. Steiner believes there are parallels between the lives of Jesus and the Buddha, but only up to Buddha's death, which Steiner compares with the Transfiguration of Jesus. Buddha disappears in a ray of light, making his transfiguration and physical death identical. Jesus, by contrast, stays behind and enters a new phase of his ministry, which is quite unlike that of Buddha: the crucifixion, death and resurrection.

Since everyone can't experience the passion or "initiation" of Jesus, a church organization with a formal creed becomes necessary. Those who can't directly experience the mysteries, will at least be saved by faith. Thus, in this text Steiner takes a surprisingly irenic view of the Church. He also depicts the various factional struggles within the Church as an attempt to grasp the relation between the historical Jesus and the eternal Spirit of the Mysteries. My problem with this is that Steiner seems to be suggesting something else in other, more "esoteric" texts, where salvation is pictured as a protracted process over several different incarnations (Steiner believed in reincarnation), until some humans eventually become like gods during the Vulcan stage of Earth evolution. He is also less friendly towards the main-line Christian denominations in other texts. Perhaps Steiner's thinking itself "evolved", since "Christianity as a Mystical Fact" is an early text. However, since the death and resurrection of Jesus plays a central role in the cosmic evolutionary process envisioned by the author, Steiner in some strange sense nevertheless remained closer to traditional Christianity than many other new religious movements. (For more details, see my review of Sergei Prokofieff's "Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy".)

Apart from Steiner's views on Christianity, "Christianity as a Mystical Fact" also contains expositions on Plato and Heraclitus, arguing that both were initiates into the ancient mysteries.

This book exists in a plethora of different editions. This review is based on the 1961 English translation, published by Rudolf Steiner Publications and available free on-line at the Rudolf Steiner Archive. It contains an interesting introduction by Alfred Heidenreich, who reminisces about Steiner and reveals that this spiritual leader had one very human weakness: snuff tobacco! The edition depicted on this product page could be another one...

A mystery unsolved


Previously posted under a different title on September 10, 2018.

"Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy" is a book on Christology by Sergei O. Prokofieff, one of the leaders of the Anthroposophical Society, a religious-spiritual group founded about a century ago by Austrian occultist Rudolf Steiner. Prokofieff is a prolific writer on Anthroposophical subjects, perhaps most known for his sharp criticism of Valentin Tomberg, author of "Meditations on the Tarot" and a defector from Anthroposophy.

I didn't like Prokofieff's sectarian attacks on Tomberg, so it was with a certain dose of scepticism that I bought "Mystery of the Resurrection". I admit that I didn't get very far with it. It's an extremely difficult book, bordering on the incomprehensible. Still, I was weirdly fascinated. Perhaps I simply need to read more books on practical occultism or very advanced Christian theology?

Although many of Steiner's ideas about Jesus were strange (to put it mildly!), he is closer to traditional Christianity than most other groups in the New Age-occult underground I'm familiar with. He doesn't view Jesus simply as a great spiritual teacher, but believes that "the Christ being" really was a supernatural being who incarnated on Earth in order to save humanity, not simply to "show us the path to Christhood". The crucifixion, descent into the bowels of the Earth and subsequent resurrection really were salvific acts, and a kind of supernatural gift to fallen humanity from more elevated spheres of existence. The resurrection wasn't purely spiritual, but was, in some sense at least, "physical". Steiner even says at one point that the Resurrection body was created "out of nothing", although it's somewhat unclear what he means by this, since Anthroposophists don't believe in a personal god that creates ex nihilo. However, it seems that the Resurrection body really was a novelty in cosmic evolution, introduced by the Christ being through a purely voluntary act of grace.

One obvious *difference* between Steiner and traditional Christianity is his adoptionist Christology. To Steiner, Christ was a spirit-being who incarnated in the human Jesus after the baptism at Jordan. At the cross, Christ left Jesus who then promptly died. However, it's not clear to me whether the distinction between "Jesus" and "Christ" really means anything after the baptism, since Steiner says that the ego of the human Jesus had to leave him in order to make room for the Christ being. (In a fit of weirdness, Steiner claims that the ego of Jesus was the reincarnated ego of Zarathustra!) Steiner also seems to be suggesting that the human body of Jesus was a kind of sheath for the Christ, which presumably means that the person "Jesus" really ceased to exist when Christ took over his body. It's also interesting to note that Christ isn't an impersonal cosmic principle, but a personal being. To be exact, Christ is a sun-spirit. Since the spiritual sun is the "god" of our solar system, the Christ of Anthroposophy is, in some strange sense, "the Son of God", too!

The work of the Christ is part of the incredibly complex and almost conceited cosmology of Anthroposophy, with its countless spiritual hierarchies, different evolutionary trajectories and even reincarnated planets. There are also several types of physical or quasi-physical bodies. A Christian theologian would probably get grey hairs trying to grasp whether or not the resurrection really was "bodily"! To make a long story somewhat shorter, Anthroposophists believe that human personality and individuality are positive traits. Prokofieff criticizes the impersonalism of Buddhism and Hinduism. However, the personal autonomy of humans also necessitated a temporary severing from the spiritual worlds. This made humans more and more estranged from Spirit. They were also preyed upon by a wide variety of evil spirit-beings: Lucifer, Ahriman, the Asuras and Sorath. If this process had continued unhindered, humanity would presumably have destroyed itself at some point. This is why Christ incarnated on our unfortunate planet and voluntarily sacrificed himself. Prokofieff has an incredibly detailed discussion on how Christ built his different body-sheaths by descending through a whole number of heavenly spheres, how these energies gradually took over the earthly body of Jesus, etc.

Perhaps inevitably, Steiner believed in "infusion" rather than "imputation", to use the Christian terms (not used by him or Prokofieff). The death and resurrection of Christ had real ontological significance. They really cleansed the Earth and our human souls from negative karmic/cosmic influences, opening up a path to salvation. Also, our souls were somehow infused by the spiritual energies emanating from the crucifixion. The passion and resurrection of Jesus weren't purely soteriological acts accessible by faith only.

But what about the bodily or physical resurrection? The physical sheath left behind by the Christ on the cross decomposed as any corpse, but since it was imbued with spiritual energies, it became "a homeopathic medicine" for the Earth. Or the soil? The blood shed on the cross was "etherized" and seems to have entered into both the energy field of the Earth, and into the etheric bodies of humans, strengthening them (at least potentially). Meanwhile, the Christ Being entered the interior of our planet, where Steiner (literally?) believed that the evil forces dwelled. After somehow defeating their influence, Christ restored something Prokofieff calls "the phantom". Frankly, I never really understood what the phantom might be - some kind of archetypal physical body lost by humans during their negative evolution? It was supposedly created by angels at "Old Saturn". From "the phantom", Christ then created the Resurrection body. He also condensed his etheric body, which looked and felt like a physical body. Thus, when Thomas touched the scars of the resurrected Christ, these were not the actual scars from the crucifixion, but etheric substitutes created specially for this occasion. Prokoffief ingeniously points out that the Christ seems to be a bodily being in the Book of Revelation, but lacks the scars! Therefore, the scars can't have been a permanent feature of the Resurrection body.

Steiner was presumably aware of various occult attempts to create an imperishable body. He seems to have regarded both this and the Buddhist attempts to reach nirvana as too narrow paths. The Christ opened up a path that is at least potentially broader and easier by letting his etheric blood fuse with all humans. Human evolution could continue on its intended course, and will end at "Vulcan", a new version of Earth in a very distant future. Vulcan is the closest equivalent to the millennium in Anthroposophy, where humans will become Christ-like beings with the capacity to "create out of nothing". When the Vulcan stage ends, humans will reach even further elevations so lofty that not even Steiner could describe them. In effect, they will become like gods...

Well, I suppose *that* isn't taken from traditional Christianity, LOL.

"Mystery of the Resurrection in the Light of Anthroposophy" is a very narrow, complicated treatise. It's not intended for the general public, but rather for advanced students of Anthroposophy. I don't consider myself to be one, so the above review should be read with that in mind. I'm not sure how to rate this mysterious work, but in the end I give it the OK rating (three stars).

The 10:30 bell


A high-ranking member of the Ramakrishna Order talks about his life as a novice monk. The most funny factoids concern "the 10:30pm bell" and the presence of books by P G Wodehouse in the monastic library?!  

Saturday, August 26, 2023

Batshit crazy


Or perhaps catshit crazy? Why do people believe in stuff like this? It´s just a more exotic form of atheism. If even that...  



A short clip featuring a certain Bishop Alexander of the OCA, which I assume is the Orthodox Church of America. The bishop states that the 2nd century Church Father Origen was a saint. 

There is just one little problem: the theology of Origen was condemned by a Church council as heretical a few centuries after his death. Or so some people believe.

The meltdown in the commentary section is...disturbing. One commentator says he wants to burn an icon with Origen´s portrait. Another kindly informs him that no icons of Origen seem to exist, but there are Coptic icons of his disciple Evagrius Ponticus available for burning?! Sure, they are joking, but still...

The "heresies" of Origen include teaching the pre-existence of the souls, that only the soul is immortal while the physical body perishes, that the soul is "reincarnated" in progressively higher worlds, and that all humans - and perhaps even the Devil himself - will eventually be reconciled to God. Nobody during his lifetime seems to have noticed that the man was a heretic, but the Church at Constantinople can apparently damn your memory centuries in retrospect. And over one thousand years later, people at an American Internet forum still get meltdowns when your name is mentioned!

I´m sure these guys *know* that of course Origen was wrong about things that happened before the creation of the material universe, or will happen in the distant future. It must be a fascinating experience, to be this cock sure about the hidden things!

Or maybe they´re just in a cult, who knows?   



Credit: Yathin sk

Från en annan av våra ofrivilliga grannbloggar. Intressant sammanfattning av turerna kring ett antal bisarra satanistsekter, och slöa eller korrupta poliskårer som väljer att titta åt andra hållet. Har förstås hört talas om "Son of Sam" tidigare, men jag trodde länge att det rörde sig om en ensam galning. Och det verkar det alltså inte ha varit...den här gången heller.

Några andra reflektioner infinner sig också.

Det finns religiösa grupper som sådär rent abstrakt hävdar att Gud ligger bakom både godheten och ondskan, att ondskan är till för vårt eget bästa, att den är en illusion, eller rentav att den är god. Fast när det väl kommer till kritan visar det sig alltid att de egentligen aldrig skulle välja den onda sidan. Om de är "tantriker" kanske de på sin höjd vill synda lite med vin, qvinnor och sång. Det är allt.

Kort sagt: de leker lekar. Kanske finns det någonstans en riktigt "baserad" mörkermagiker som sitter på en kremeringsplats vid midnatt med sin dödskalle och dyrkar Kali för att få paranormala krafter av typen "kan göra sig osynlig" eller "kan flyga". Eller helt enkelt för att komma över sin rädsla. Men inte ens denna person verkar löpa linan ut. Även han leker en liten lek med den vredgade Kali, som i slutändan inte alls verkar så vred, trots allt.

Men anta att någon faktiskt skulle löpa linan ut...

Då får man satanism och demonolatri. Som i fallet Son of Sam. Och säkerligen många andra fall också. Men om du tillhör en religion som relativiserar ondskan, vad har du egentligen att sätta emot? Vad är ditt motargument mot den som åkallar eller tillber Djävulen? Du säger själv att det är "gott", att Gud ligger bakom det, att det är en del av "filmen", "skådespelet" eller "dansen". Vad hindrar dig från att bli en av Sams söner?

Och nej, du kan inte svara "ondskan förgör alltid sig själv". Tror du att dussinsatanister som Son of Sam är hela bilden? Tjena. De verkligt organiserade och framgångsrika "syndarna" dyrkar inte Djävulen. De låtsas dyrka Gud! Eller utger sig för att vara framstegsvänliga ateister. 

Sons of Sam är bara avskrädet. De som inte fattade hur spelet spelas, som inte lyckades bli initierade i det verkliga brödraskapet. De som fick hålla tillgodo med några av smådjävlarna. 

För att vara en ren allegori så är Satan ovanligt framgångsrik... 

Son of Sam, Berkowitz och satanistpaniken

Om sanningen ska fram


Credit: Michel Idre

När Aftonbladet ändrar sig kan det bli riktigt roligt...

Oísin Cantwells artikel här nedan heter alltså "Danska koranbränningsförbudet får inrikespolitisk betydelse för Sverige". Men om ni kollar länken så står det istället: "Danska beslutet får ingen betydelse för Sverige". Vilket är vad själva artikeln också hette i början. 

Cantwell (eller redaktörn) får självfallet ändra sig, men det ser onekligen lustigt ut!

Oikofobi och folkutbyte


Credit: Andreas Trepke

Två snabba klipp från vår ofrivilliga grannblogg. Först något om ordet "oikofobi" och hur Ebba Busch nyligen använde det i ett sommartal. Och sedan lite statistik om "folkutbytet", ett annat ord som starkt förknippas med den s k nationella rörelsen. Dock ej använt här. Detta för att bloggaren är "konsekvensneutral" - ett annat intressant ord! 

Hade jag fel om Ananda Marga?


Jag får väldigt intressanta vibbar av de här killarna. Fast kanske inte riktigt som 70-talsvänstern ändå...

Lite mer åt 30-talshållet, kanske?

Och så lägger vi ut den här länken igen:

Shaivas LARP-ing Leninism 

Den stora Koran-konspirationen


Credit: Imran Shah

En intressant konspirationsteori...

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Back to square one


Credit: Times of India (?)

I´ve been searching for some kind of religious or spiritual Systeme for about 20 years now, without finding shit. All religions contradict each other, many are based on lies, and all I´m aware of can be either disproven or remain unproven. Many also strike me as "copium" or "hopium". Evil aint real, kiddo, it´s just an illusion. Or it´s real, and soon the Great Savior will swoop down and set everything right. Or I can save my own ass, become an immortal, and then laugh at the rest of ya! Maybe I can even become evil?  

Of course, the "black pill" of reductionist materialism isn´t particularly pleasant either. Even apart from being somewhat ontologically queer.  

Not sure where to go from here. Sure, I learned a lot during the past two decades, but it feels I´m returning to my home town without anything to show for it...

The above isn´t ironic, btw. 


Aftonbladet försöker förneka att de är oikofober. De misslyckas. Istället erkänner de att kristendomen får hånas, medan islam alltså är fredat. 

Visst är det möjligt att extremhögern förstår Ebba Buschs hundvisslor. Å andra sidan kanske vänsterliberalerna också förstår precis vad Aftonbladet menar. Eller hur?

AB menar inte "Kristus". De menar såklart...Sverige.  

"Förnedring av Kristus" är bara början

PS. Den här gamle politruckens hyckleri blir bara mer och mer outhärdligt. Det är ju *han* som vill inskränka yttrandefriheten och lägga sig för diverse auktoritära regimer och våldsverkare! 

Kristersson gör som alltid: talar osanning

Credit: Charles J Sharp

Monday, August 21, 2023

Ett handslag med Machiavelli


Ulf Kristersson fortsätter att skämma ut Sverige, regeringen och sig själv. Tror han verkligen att ett "handslag" med en machiavellisk Putin-kramande auktoritär islamist på något sätt "gäller"? LOL! Varför i helvete skulle det göra det?!

Det är ganska uppenbart vad det här handlar om. Erdogan är inte alls intresserad av de där amerikanska stridsflygplanen. Turkiet har redan NATO:s näst starkaste militär. De behöver inte de där maskinerna.

Nej, att Erdogan i över ett år blockerat Sveriges NATO-medlemskap beror på att han misstänker att Ukraina kommer att förlora kriget mot Ryssland. Eller också drar han ärendet i långbänk för att se hur det kommer att gå. Och så länge han blockerar Sverige (vilket gynnar Ryssland) kan han låna Putins öra. Det är *det* förhandlingskortet han inte vill mista. Alldeles särskilt inte i en post-USA-värld där Ryssland, Kina, Indien och kanske t.o.m. Iran är nya stormakter. (Att han godkände Finland beror på att han måste hålla NATO varma också.) 

Men om detta stämmer, bör Sverige inte göra några som helst eftergifter till Turkiet. Varken i PKK-frågan, Koran-frågan eller någon annan fråga. Vi bör helt enkelt kyligt vänta ut situationen. Bollen ligger hos USA. 

Eller gör den inte det?

Varför tvingar inte USA Turkiet att godkänna Sverige? Är de ovilliga? Eller rentav oförmögna? Men om USA inte kan hålla ordning i sin egen militärallians, vad är poängen med att ens ansluta sig till den? Anta att Sverige till slut godkänns som NATO-medlem och Ryssland attackerar. Vad har vi för garantier för att Turkiet kommer att hjälpa oss? Givetvis inga alls. De kommer att stå vid sidan av, då också. Som de redan gör i Ukraina.

Och vad har vi för garantier för att *USA* hjälper oss i händelse av krig med Ryssland, om de inte ens är starka nog att upprätthålla enheten inom Atlantpakten idag? Formella allianser är starkare än handslag, men de är knappast absoluta. Och år 2025 kanske USA:s president heter Donald J Trump...

Kanske behöver Sverige en verkligt ny säkerhetspolitisk doktrin. Inte "vi låtsas vara neutrala, men hoppas att USA kommer att hjälpa oss ändå om Sovjet anfaller, om bara Palme kan hålla käften". Och inte heller "vi är med i NATO, vad bra, då gäller ju automatiskt artikel 5, och den där Palme är ju död". Utan något i stil med att vi förväntar oss angrepp, men inte automatiskt räknar med hjälp från utomstående. Försvarsanslag och uppoffringar anpassas utifrån detta. 

Den kursförändringen (och insikten) kanske kommer att bli den radikalaste hittills...

Okej, nu kan ni gå tillbaka till att diskutera Linda Skugges hårdporr!

Sverige måste kontrollera sina gator  

Our NPC predicament


I didn´t know "aphantasia" was a thing. The second clip is a sympathetic documentary about the condition, while the earlier clip is an search-and-destroy mission á la Thomas Sheridan.

Not sure why Sheridan makes a connection between NPCs and aphantasia, since an NPC is supposed to lack an inner monologue, whereas aphantasia means that you can´t visualize.

Besides, it´s pretty obvious where all the SJW-NPCs come from. THEY PUT SOMETHING IN THE WATER!!! 


Sources say


I´m sure the fact that the new COVID variant is named "Eris", after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, doesn´t have any occultic, archetypal or synchronous significance whatsoever. Nor does it mean that Discordianism (or the KLF) are back in fashion. 

Right? I mean, it´s not like alternative people have ever been right about anything...

The biggest scheme the Jesuits ever pulled


I assumed "Eastern Catholics" had the same theology as Latin Catholics, since both form part of the same Roman Catholic Church (and have the same Pope). The liturgies are of course different, but surely the theology must be the same?

But if the above presentation is true (and the presenter does reference Eastern Catholic books), the Uniates actually have theologies distinct from those of "real" Catholicism?! 

The Greek Catholics (ex-Eastern Orthodox) have kept saints once condemned by the Catholic Church, aspects of Palamite theology, and de facto even repudiate the filioque. The ex-Nestorians in India venerate Nestorius and other Nestorians as saints.

But if so, Latin Catholic theology is bunk, since they condemn doctrinal propositions held to by other parts of the Catholic Church. It´s all about politics and power, apparently. Is there anything in religion that isn´t based on a bunch of lies??? Or Jesuit intrigues. Asking for a friend named Yeshua bar Yosef...

Which doesn´t mean that the Orthodox are necessarily better. The video narrator speaks with great admiration of some Orthodox saint who refused to visit the same bath house as a "heretic"! OK, dude, count me out.   

A book for burning?


A Quran even Muslims want to burn? Link to a previous posting on this blog!

A curious Quran

Nyttiga idioter eller szálámí i röven?

Credit: William H Majoros

Varför publicerar SVT Nyheter den här typen av provokativa artiklar? Vill de stoppa Sveriges NATO-ansökan? Är de rentav Puttes nyttiga idioter, eller vad? 

Ungern har ju makt att stoppa NATO-inträdet. Så varför tar vi inte hänsyn till lättkränkta ungerska Fidesz-väljares känslor?

Nej, vänta...

Ungern fjäskar ju för den muslimska demokraturen Turkiet. Så det är såklart *dem* vi ska fjäska för. Också. Samma Turkiet som förresten är Putins nyttiga idioter.

Okej, det där blev ju komplicerat. Men det gör ju ingenting. För vi kan fortfarande skita i de lättkränkta kristna hetero-normativa magyar-barbarerna på pusztan.


Bokhandel fälldes för bok om homosexuell kärlek 

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Några funderingar


Mitt problem med Kristersson är att han är så jäkla skitsvenskt mjäkig. Jag hade nog haft större respekt för honom om han helt enkelt låtit arrestera och spöa skiten ur Paludan, berövat honom hans svenska pass, och sedan utvisat honom över sundet. Eller låtit vältränade MUF-are göra chock mot queera PKK-sympatisörer på Stockholm Pride. 

Missförstå mig rätt. Jag vill inte att han ska göra ovanstående. Det finns andra som borde spöas på istället. Min poäng är en annan. Ingen respekterar en tönt. Ingen gillar en förlorare. Däremot kan man ha motvillig respekt för mandom, mod och morske män även om de tillhör "andra sidan". 

Sverige kanske behöver en Erdogan eller Putin...

Veckans Strasser (eller: Ett obehagligt inlägg)


Credit: Karen Tokhatyan

På bara lite drygt ett år har det svenska "debattklimatet" förändrats fullständigt. Alla möjliga mentala spärrar har raserats. Eller är på god väg att bli det. 

Exempelvis att regeringen givetvis får inskränka yttrandefriheten. Vi har visserligen länge haft en lag om hets mot folkgrupp, men den har nästan aldrig framställts som en inskränkning i yttrandefriheten, utan tvärtom som en stor demokratisk landvinning. Men nu kommer fler och fler halvkvädna antydningar om av typen "jag är för yttrandefrihet men". Och så en lika halvkväden antydning om att hets mot folkgrupp ju redan är förbjudet, så därför...

Tidigare var det otänkbart att kräva att invandrare skulle utvisas. Inte ens om de begick svåra brott. Och absolut inte till osäkra länder där de riskerar att bli mördade. Men nu kommer fler och fler illa dolda krav på att "koranbrännarna" från Irak ska utvisas dit. Och apropå det, så kallar man inte längre den koranbrännare som har svensk medborgarskap för "svensk". Nej, han är "irakier med svenskt medborgarskap sedan 2005". Blir man inte längre svensk ens om man haft svenskt pass i 18 år? 

Observera också att både sossar och moderater fjäskar för Turkiets Erdogan, en auktoritär islamistisk ledare. Även Stockholm Pride drar sitt strå till stacken. Kurdiska gayaktivister i Sverige måste följa den turkiske ledarens nycker. Allt för att säkra NATO-medlemskapet. 

Vi får också höra från respektabla liberaler att vi inte kan agera världssamvete och Bror Duktig längre, eftersom resten av mänskligheten givetvis inte alls kan uppfostras i "svenska" (sic) normer och värderingar.  

Jag uppfattar den här vindkantringen som oerhört fascinerande. Det svenska etablissemanget håller på att begå ideologisk harakiri i realtid. Och snabbt går det! Principlösheten är i det närmaste total. Allt vi har fått lära oss och blivit indoktrinerade i det senaste halvseklet håller på att "omprövas". En omvändelse så att säga under galgen. Allt var en bluff! 

Är detta negativt? Nej, varför skulle det vara det? För vad är det egentligen de försöker säga till oss? Att det är okej att inskränka yttrandefriheten, visa respekt för religiösa skrifter, ifrågasätta invandrares rätt att vistas i landet, avveckla svenskt engagemang i ett otacksamt och oförstående utland, och samarbeta med auktoritära regimer. 

Det innebär ett realpolitiskt tillnyktrande. Can we use this to our advantage somehow? 


Berget Athos 
Credit: Dave Proffer
Ett litet scenario. 

Anta att några ateistiska provokatörer börjar bränna biblar i Sverige. Den ryska ortodoxa kyrkan kräver att Sveriges regering ingriper mot bibelbrännarna. En konferens av ortodoxa nationer med säte i Grekland hotar med diplomatisk, politisk och ekonomisk bojkott. Kampgrupper av ortodoxa kristna bildas och hotar slå till mot svenska intressen. Den svenska ambassaden i Athen stormas av en uppretad folkmassa ledd av fanatiserade munkar från berget Athos.  

De kristna terroristerna har också en del invändningar mot Svenska Kyrkans gayvänliga utställning "Ecce Homo" samt mot de feministiska Sofiamässorna. Ja, mycket tyder på att de planerar att slå till och spränga skiten i luften! 

En högt uppsatt riksdagsman från Sverigedemokraterna förklarar att vi nog borde stoppa invandring från ortodoxa länder och ta en diskussion om de Svarta Hundradenas pogromer, folkmordet i Srebrenica och det bysantiska rikets alla skändligheter. 

Vad tror ni det svenska etablissemanget hade gjort då? Hade statsministern sagt i närmast hyschat tonläge att vi inte får kritisera ortodoxin, bränna biblar och visa Jesus som homosexuell, eftersom lättkränkta ortodoxa kan svara med att faktiskt mörda oss? Hade diverse kultur-kvasin i massmedia grötmyndigt förklarat att vi visserligen har yttrandefrihet *men*...givetvis inte för dem som "skändar" gammelkyrkoslaviska biblar. Hade polisen anmält samma bibelbränningar de just tillåtit för "hets mot folkgrupp"? 

Hade tidningarna mellan raderna plötsligt börjat kräva utvisningar av bibelbrännare till länder där de riskerar att bli dödade av uppretade ortodoxa mobbar? Hade oppositionen krävt att den högt uppsatte SD-riksdagsmannen avgår, och påstår att det är *hans* fel att säkerhetsläget försämras? Hade politiker krävt att biståndet till ortodoxa länder där svenska intressen bemöts med våld ska *höjas*? 

Hade Stockholm Pride gått med på att ta bort just bilden av Jesus som homosexuell med motiveringen att den såklart inte hör hemma i en gayvänlig konstutställning? Och i Aftonbladet föreslår en förvirrad ledarskribent att "Makarios" och "Sergius" får egna namnsdagar. 

Hade den svenska vänstern utnämnt ortodoxin till "anti-imperialistisk kraft" och påstått att alla som stödjer rätten att bränna biblar i själva verket planerar massmord på ortodoxa? Hade en vänsteraktivist försökt stoppa bibelbränningarna med brandsläckare?

Nej, det hade givetvis aldrig inträffat. Men när *muslimer* gör samma sak är det tydligen helt annorlunda. 

Varför? Vad är skillnaden?


A buddha will always be misunderstood


Both profundity and frivolity in this one. Of course. It´s Osho. Whatever you do, don´t become *his* disciple or devotee, LOL. 

Bränn Annalekterna!


Bränn Annalekterna! Och Deng Xiaopings valda verk! Vilken tur att Kina inte är teokratiska shia-muslimer eller auktoritära sunnitiska Putin-kramare med makt att blockera NATO-medlemskap, då hade Aftonbladet tvingats svassa för deras (mindre subtila) propaganda. 

Dessutom är jag tillräckligt gammal för att komma ihåg hur åtminstone amerikanska liberaler stenhårt *stödde* TikTok inför valet 2020. Orsaken var såklart att många ticktockare var mot en viss Donald Trump. Demokraterna använde forumet för att sabotera ett av Trumps valmöten. 

Men TikTok ägdes ju av Röda Kina då också...

Ja, en vänstergrupp i UK, Socialist Action, uttalade rentav sitt starka stöd för "K-Pop-fans på TikTok" i samband med detta. Gissa vilket land Socialist Action stödjer? Bingo. (Ledtråd: det är inte Taiwan.)

Men sedan förklarade farbror Bajden att Trumps (och den "sene" Obamas) konfrontationspolitik mot Mittens Rike ska fortsätta. Och här är vi idag. 

Aftonbladet kanske kan föreslå att man bränner, förlåt stänger ner, TikTok i Sverige p.g.a. rådande säkerhetsläge? I would probably support such ay move. For my own very sharply delineated Machiavellian reasons, of course. 

Däremot vill jag givetvis inte bränna Annalekterna.   

Subtil reklam för Kina på TikTok

Utvisning på gång


Det här är tydligen helt okontroversiellt. I motsats till...vissa andra saker. 

Bilderna på koranbrännaren utreds

Så används svenska politiker i koranbrännarens asylansökan

Friday, August 18, 2023

The Wise Dog

Credit: Ilanga 

From Kahlil Gibran´s "The Madman" (1918)

The Wise Dog

One day there passed by a company of cats a wise dog.

And as he came near and saw that they were very intent and heeded him not, he stopped.

Then there arose in the midst of the company a large, grave cat and looked upon them and said, “Brethren, pray ye; and when ye have prayed again and yet again, nothing doubting, verily then it shall rain mice.”

And when the dog heard this he laughed in his heart and turned from them saying, “O blind and foolish cats, has it not been written and have I not known and my fathers before me, that that which raineth for prayer and faith and supplication is not mice but bones.”

The Eye

Said the Eye one day, “I see beyond these valleys a mountain veiled with blue mist. Is it not beautiful?”

The Ear listened, and after listening intently awhile, said, “But where is any mountain? I do not hear it.”

Then the Hand spoke and said, “I am trying in vain to feel it or touch it, and I can find no mountain.”

And the Nose said, “There is no mountain, I cannot smell it.”

Then the Eye turned the other way, and they all began to talk together about the Eye's strange delusion. And they said, “Something must be the matter with the Eye.”

The Two Learned Men

Once there lived in the ancient city of Afkar two learned men who hated and belittled each other's learning. For one of them denied the existence of the gods and the other was a believer.

One day the two met in the marketplace, and amidst their followers they began to dispute and to argue about the existence or the non-existence of the gods. And after hours of contention they parted.

That evening the unbeliever went to the temple and prostrated himself before the altar and prayed the gods to forgive his wayward past.

And the same hour the other learned man, he who had upheld the gods, burned his sacred books. For he had become an unbeliever.

Staying behind in Orphalese


I admit that I know next to nothing about Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931), the Lebanese-American writer and Symbolist painter whose most well-known literary work is “The Prophet”, first published in the United States in 1923. According to all-knowing Wiki, “The Prophet” is one of the most popular books ever written, so it´s a bit embarrassing that I literally never heard of it until maybe one or two years ago! I recently read it. It´s available free on the web, and is quite short. It´s not really a “book” sensu stricto, but rather a kind of extended poem. I have no idea what it "really" means, so please take this review with a grain of salt. 

The setting of the story is simple. The prophet "Almustafa" has lived in the city of "Orphalese" for 12 years, and must now embark on a ship that will take him back to his home island. The people of the city gather around him one last time to hear his wise preaching on a variety of topics. The rest of the booklet is that preaching. The context strikes me as syncretist. Mustafa means "the chosen one" and is an epithet of Muhammad in Islam, but the prophet´s poetic speech is clearly inspired by Jesus´ Sermon on the Mount. Orphalese itself is pagan, but the people are described as sympathetic to Almustafa´s presence. The city priestess is named Almitra, a reference to the pagan deity Mitra or Mithras. What "Orphalese" itself means seems to be anybody´s guess. A reference to Orpheus, the phallus, or what? 

I haven´t bothered trying to decode all of the prophet´s spiritual metaphors, but a few things stand out. The illustrations in the book (made by Gibran himself) are influenced by William Blake´s art. There also seem to be a family likeness with Tarot cards. Almustafa believes in reincarnation, and when he promises to return to Orphalese at some point in the future, rebirth rather than a literal second coming is meant. Also, the "ship" seems to be a symbol for an impersonal divine, so the "journey home" is presumably a temporary merging with the Brahman. Indeed, Almustafa doesn´t seem very keen on going "home"! 

The prophet´s sermon does sound Jesus-like at times. Nobody is really evil, in some sense everyone is guilty of the crimes of everyone else, and giving (both material and emotional) is one of the highest goods. Work is also important, but the worker should toil for all members of society, including paupers and poets. 

Love trumps all - a love for everyone and everything. Love between spouses is less important, and children should be set free as soon as possible. One striking theme in "The Prophet" is the notion that suffering is inevitable, indeed, it´s somehow part of the good, or even good in itself. This is emphasized again and again. 

There is an antinomian tendency in the preaching, since Almustafa clearly doesn´t believe in the efficacy of laws and regulations. Animals and plants are completely free. Earthly pleasure is not rejected, although it must somehow be ultimately transcended. If everyone would be completely pure, there would be no need for clothes or personal grooming?! There is also a pantheist tendency, for instance when the prophet says: "People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror."

So in summary, we seem to be dealing with a "proto-hippie" sage promoting communitas and liminality, while rejecting most things that *actually* hold society together: romantic marriage, responsible child-rearing, work without promiscuous sharing, a tough attitude towards criminals and (I suppose) streakers...

No wonder "The Prophet" is so popular in California! 

Still, there is an additional trait perhaps not present in New Age spirituality: the daring acceptance of suffering and sorrow as inevitable in a completely free existence. 

With that, I close my review of Kahlil Gibran´s "The Prophet". Live long and prosper! Or not. 


Grönt inbördeskrig?

Credit: Greg Hume

Slutet för Miljöpartiet? Ledarstick i Aftonbladet. 

Ett inbördeskrig i Miljöpartiet

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Uncharted waters

Palau people with their flag,
no connection to Turkey!

Russian soldiers recently boarded a Turkish merchant vessel on its way to Ukraine, but eventually decided to release it. The ship is Palau-registered (sic) but really owned by a private Turkish shipping company. Judging by footage on YouTube, it´s prominently flying the flag of Turkey, not Palau. It also has a Turkish name. However, it´s not clear what flag it was flying at the time of the actual incident. (Palau is a small nation in the Pacific, and presumably allows foreign ships to nominally register there.)   

Not sure what this means. While Turkey is a NATO member, the Erdogan regime are notorious multi-vectoralists and have relatively good relations with Russia, despite the ongoing war in Ukraine. Are tensions brewing backstage, or was the whole thing just a stupid mistake, a trial balloon of some sort, or what? 

Note also the mysterious explosion at a Turkish port last week, which dropped out of the news after just one day! What blew up was a grain storage facility. And both Ukraine and Russia are very eager to export their respective grain...  

Russia boards Turkish ship

Baba Nam Kevalam


Oh no, not these guys again...

Alan Anonymous


This is a "parody" of sorts, featuring an AI-generated version of Alan Watts. It sounds almost real, and the only thing that gives the game away is that Watts died long before 4Chan and Anonymous even existed. Or even the internet.

Since Watts was a Zen Buddhist, his "rebirth" as an AI entity does have a certain bizarre logic! 

It seems Alan "Anonymous" Watts is The Man, after all. 

Stora tråden om Linda Skugge


Ja, om någon mot förmodan vill diskutera Linda Skugges dalliance med OnlyFans, så kan ni alltså göra det här. 


Pretendians and Trustafarians


There are some phenomena from the spiritual and religious end of things I find...annoying.

For instance, people joining religious groups despite not really believing in their stated message. Then, they try to change said message from within, to better suit their own priorities. Another approach is to identify with a religion (without actually joining its mainstream or official branch) and, once again, radically change its message. Still another is to "reconstruct" a dead religion, but in a very modern way no ancient practitioner would ever recognize. 

Now, I do realize that this really "normal procedure" as far as religions go. Religions always change. They are always reinterpreted. Christianity was probably reinterpreted by Paul. Mormonism was recast during the lifetime of its founder, Joseph Smith! Islam split into several factions at the death of Muhammad. And so on. So from a strictly objective historical viewpoint, I suppose I can´t stop radical-liberal Californians from LARP-ing Asatru or Celtic religion (two concepts that are probably modern anyway), claiming that Odin gave them permission to be Queer.

And yet, I still can´t shake the feeling that something unserious is going on. For instance, cultural appropriation is clearly a thing (although the term has been misused by woke activists - as have everything else). The phenomenon of Pretendians is real, for instance. Why would White people want to LARP Native American religion? Sometimes, enterprising Natives form new cults to attract Trustafarians, but in other cases, the Natives feel that Whites are encroaching on their territory. Which they indeed might.

It´s as if the California individualist has become a crazy version of Faustian Man, who thinks he can become whatever he feel likes at any time...and then change again to something else tomorrow. There is clearly a connection to gender-bending here, but also to more frivolous activites such as "Otherkin" or "Furries". Just as Steve thinks he can become Eve simply by declaring it so, some people apparently imagine they can become American Indians, Vikings or Zoroastrians in pretty much the same way. 

Or what´s the point of a radical liberal joining a traditionally conservative religion and then demand that it turn radically liberal? What´s going on there? (Note also that at least one religion is off limits even to such people: Islam!) 

Just because radical reinterpretation and LARP-ing is common (see Simon Magus wanting to buy Peter´s magical powers), doesn´t mean I have to like it. Just as I don´t like a plethora of other religio-spiritual phenomena either... 


Just another Tuesday


Some random stuff from Pakistan, just to show you what we´re up against....and who the "woke" wants us to pander to. 

But yeah, if these guys would attack, say, Florida gay clubs, British pop concerts featuring sexually emancipated girl singers, or weird Swedish avantgarde artists, I´m sure the liberals and leftists would demand swift action, yes? From the United Nations, presumably.

Not to mention if they stop soccer players from wearing rainbow armbands! I mean, we gotta draw the line *somewhere*! 

But introducting Pakistani blasphemy laws in Sweden and Denmark apparently isn´t that line, cuz reasons or something. 


Fusion power interruptus


"My child, why do you even bother?"

This seems to be a kind of "intermission" posting by our favorite druid LARP-er John Michael Greer, and yet it´s extremely apt. 

My only problem is that JMG almost comes across as a climate change denialist in one of the mid-paragraphs. Cough, cough, nah, that shit real, man. 

Otherwise, both the criticism of the increasingly corrupted scientific "community" and grafting-grifting upper middle class "climate activism" is to the point...and in your face! 

Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Att tänka högt

Att tänka stort är bra, att tänka högt är ännu bättre...

"Jag tror att gränsen går vid judar"

Maya is inscrutable


Credit: Claire H

Some (perhaps really silly) reflections at 4AM in the morning...

Does God have free will? If so, how come he never choses evil? Is he never tempted to do so? But if so, how is his will “free”? Doesn´t a free will imply an actual possibility of a choice between at least two options? But who could tempt god, if he is alone and perfect?

Perhaps God is free in the “compatibilist” sense. In other words, he doesn´t have free will “internally”, being all-loving and ever-loving by his very nature, but he has free will “externally” in the sense that nothing outside of Him compels Him to act as He does.

But this too leads to problems. For instance, where does free will even come from, if the Creator and Ground of Being lacks it? If God created or emanated creatures with a free will, how did they get this “free will”? This has led some mystics to propose that the ground of free will exists in God´s very nature or essence, this essence being somehow “dual”, having both a constructive side and a destructive ditto. Or this ground being somehow a void from which anything can rise. Or even that God´s primary attribute is precisely his radical freedom, his ability to do whatever he chooses. There is also the idea of “self-limitation”, but that sounds self-contradictory, for how can a perfect god limit himself? Where does God´s power of self-limitation even come from? His nature must be very strange indeed!

Or is free will actually an imperfection? After all, the “freedom” to chose between good and evil (or freedom to in effect *create* evil by turning away from God) certainly looks imperfect! But where does this imperfection come from? If God created/emanated everything, does it come from God himself? Or is everything God creates/emanates necessarily less perfect than God himself? But isn´t even that a form of imperfection? A perfect god would only expand Himself as He already is. Also, if every creation of the Divine is *somehow* less perfect than God, doesn´t this imply that *there are no guarantees against a fall*? Somewhere, somehow, there will always be suffering. But what kind of shitty universe is that, in which not even the Creator-Emanator can stop his creations from attacking each other? Indeed, isn´t the Devil really the strongest party in such a universe, since there will always be room for him somewhere? At the moment, he seems to be reigning in a universe 93 billion light-years wide!

One “solution” to be above is to meekly say that we don´t know, but we need faith in Jesus, who was resurrected, und so weiter. But surely there is an error in reasoning here: we seem to be perfectly able to *ask the questions*, so how come we can´t find any answer? Maybe it´s because we don´t want to hear the obvious answer: there is no god and hence no “mystery” to be solved in the first place. Perhaps the atheists are right. Or some kind of very orthodox Buddhists. Our hallowed ideas about Perfection might simply be abstractions (as in “the perfect triangle” or the mathematical certainty of 1 + 1 = 2) or empirically-derived fantasies writ large (Charlie´s chocolate factory turns into the New Jerusalem).

Another solution is to redefine our ideals of perfection. Perhaps the cosmos we live in (God, warts and all) really is the best possible? After all, we can return to Him when we´re ready for it, right? How is that not perfect? Still another solution is the one given by Osho in one of his books: “There are no answers to the questions about the meaning of life. But if you start to meditate, all those questions will just disappear.” Go figure! Somehow, all these “solutions” to our intellectual predicament sound kind of overlapping…

Och storm skola de skörda

Wolfgang Hansson har visst glömt några saker. Hur demokraterna fick FBI att spionera på Trumps valkampanj 2016 på basis av en fejkad dossier om rysskontakter. Eller hur de försökte underminera hans administration genom en fejkad utredning om rysskontakter. 

Eller hur de släppte lös sina anarkoida stormtrupper i stad efter stad i vågor av kravaller under valkampanjen (och COVID-nedstängningen) 2020. Eller hur de censurerade "Trump-vänliga" nyheter på sociala medier (Hunter Biden host host). Och i största allmänhet försöker censurera allting, likrikta medierna, och så vidare. 

Men att valfusk skulle kunna ha förekommit är givetvis heeeelt otänkbart...

Tänk om Trump bara försvarar sig? 

Och nej, jag är inte heller särskilt förtjust i den där skojaren heller. Nu verkar han nämligen vara ryssvänlig på riktigt. Och har ingen Mike Pence som kan agera förkläde. (Och var är förresten Kushner och Ivanka?) Rysslands och i bakgrunden Kinas försök att skapa ett eurasiatiskt Imperium har förändrat den geopolitiska situationen radikalt. 

Men att det enbart skulle vara Trump som hotar demokratin är trams. Demokratiska partiet hotar den också, men på ett mer "krypande" sätt. Och även de kan antagligen tycka att "vi bara försvarar oss", eftersom det någonstans i det förflutna var republikanerna som "började" (försöken att avsätta Bill Clinton på 1990-talet genom riksrätt under Lewinsky-skandalen, knappast vad riksrätt egentligen ska användas till, samt det tvivelaktiga valet 2000).  

Vilket för oss till huvudfrågan...

Som den slovenske marxisten Slavoj Zizek uttryckte saken (jag parafraserar): "Tänk om likmaskar som Trump skapas av en ruttnande liberal världsordning". I en demokrati är det som bekant folket som röstar. Tänk om folket inte är lika nöjda med "världsordningen" som Steven Pinker, Hans Rossling eller Aftonbladet-sossar vid Strandvägen? Vad beror det på? Och vad ska man göra åt det?

Ryssland har blivit starkare under Putin. Turkiet har blivit starkare under Erdogan. Indien har blivit starkare under Modi. Vem vet, Niger kanske blir lite starkare under en miltärjunta med originella åsikter om amerikanska diplomaters matvanor? Det starkaste landet i världen är en kommunistisk diktatur. En del av likmaskarna verkar snarast vara något slags mirakelmedicin. Rena dunderkuren!

Trump är det knappast. Men om Wolfgangs polare vill ha en sportslig chans att besegra honom, kanske de borde ge fan i att bedriva den typ av politik som beskrivs i den andra länken nedan. Den ger en ganska bra ögonblicksbild av tillståndet i det "liberala" Amerika just nu. Ironiskt att även den artikeln är publicerad i Aftonbladet...

Klarar Trump detta, då är demokratin död 

Mobb stormade galleria, liberal lagändring orsaken