Friday, July 22, 2022

The wild side of Advaita Vedanta


Jnaneshwar (or Dnyaneshwar) was a 13th century Hindu mystic who supposedly wrote an extensive commentary on the Bhagavad Gita already as a teenager. Known as the Jnanesvari (or Dnyneshwari), it´s apparently the earliest preserved text in the Marathi language. I haven´t read it (an English translation exists, my Marathi being admittedly somewhat rusty), but I´m sure it could be interesting. All-knowing Wikipedia describes Jnaneshwar´s worldview as Advaita Vedanta, but there seems to have been much more going on. Think Nath fakirs, Tantrism, Hatha Yoga, that kind of hands-on stuff, not the serene meditation exercises we Westerners (rightly or wrongly) associate with Advaita. 

The link below goes to an excerpt from the Gita commentary, dealing with kundalini. It is...wild. Even for a teenager! Assuming a yogic posture, the entire body of the practitioner begins to shake violently as the life-force cleanses it, the cleansing being very concrete in nature ("it expels the bodily secretions", "reduces the fat", and so on). In plain English, you shit, vomit and shake uncontrollably. Then, kundalini awakens: "The fire arising from it spreads upwards and downwards and begins to consume the flesh. Not only does it do this, however, but it consumes the fleshy tissue of the heart also. It attacks the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet, penetrates the upper parts and passing through them it searches out the joints of the limbs. It does not leave its place in the lower body but draws the vitality from the nails, and cleansing the skin causes it to cleave to the bones. It cleanses the hollow of the bones, scours the inner recesses of the heart and withers the hair of the body. It drains the ocean of the seven bodily humours, parches the whole of the body and brings about a state of intense heat."

The physical body is transformed and becomes golden, while the yogi gets supernatural powers. He can even read the minds of ants! Then, another stunning transformation takes place, as the body of the practitioner becomes "like air" (transparent?) and eventually disappears altogether, merging into "Shiva" or "Brahman". The text seems to be saying that it´s impossible to know what this means ontologically speaking, perhaps an attempt to compromise between non-dualism and dualism? Note also that throughout the text, it´s supposed to be Krishna himself who is speaking to Arjuna. 

Jnaneshwar passed away (or passed on) at the age of 21, after voluntarily chosing to leave his mortal body through deep meditative absorption. I suppose a skeptic might wonder whether he was a real person at all, or just the figment of a later hagiographer´s imagination...

Maybe he wanted it that way. 


  1. I belive there is some truth to the yogic ideas of cleansing the body. Exactly to what externt and if its only yogic stuff that can make it happen i dont know.
    Take toungescraping for exampel. When i first did this with a good properly designed scrape the amount of pungent stench being released was scary. And i didnt even have bad breath to begin with.
    But this level of cleansing... If I understand the text correctly the bonemarrow is also being cleansed. This can Probably only be accomplished by two things, either by transplanting someones cleaner bonemarrow to yourself or, and this is a bit depressing, by getting pregnant. The child will absorb some of The accumulated toxins from The mothers bonemarrow.
    The last exampel however makes me think there could be some other natural ways to cleanse the bonemarrow. If some yogi out there can do it, i sure hope they make that knowledge public.
    The body tends to store all the nastiest toxins in The bonemarrow if possible. Its the least reactive tissue so it will take a long time for the toxins to cause cancer there. Besides cancer and other really nasty stuff, a bunch of less serious health problems might also be caused by toxins in The bonemarrow.
    Our bonemarrows are more contaminated than ever due to enviromental pollution but even if you lived in The stoneage there would be some natural toxins building up in The bonemarrow.
    When and if an affordable method to cleanse the bonemarrow is found, it will revolutionise the health of evryone.
