Monday, July 11, 2022

Changing the taxonomy

The European Union recently changed their "taxonomy", the way various energy sources are classified. In a decision that would make every sophist or Talmudic rabbi proud, they re-classified gas and nuclear power as "green" energy sources! Meanwhile in Germany, the real Greens and their senior government partners in the Social Democratic Party has decided to burn more coal, to compensate for the nuclear power plants the German government wants to close?! Yes, you read that right. But then, Angela Merkel´s Christian Democrats were into similar shenanigans, building wind turbines like mad, while nevertheless importing gas from Russia (something of a political problem now). So the "Green energy giant" Germany, as it was dubbed by naïve environmentalists around the world, was really possible only thanks to imported fossil fuels from the Evil Empire of Ivan...

We could be seeing the end of the much-touted "energy transition to sustainable fuels", a transition which was mostly a hoax anyway. My suspicion (I really haven´t bothered checking) is that the entire "transition" was simply a scam pulled by certain business interests in symbiosis with the state, which heavily subsidized the "green energy" projects of the former. Who knows, maybe a smart Marxist could analyze this in terms of "the rate of profit to fall", but don´t count on it, since most leftists supported the "transition" (and aren´t particularly Marxist anyway, really being EU-hugging and lockdown-loving liberals with a somewhat more positive view of Bolivarian state capitalism).

What will happen to the climate change movement and attendant activism? I think this movement wasn´t even "controlled opposition". What opposition? Fear (or feigned fear) of climate change is liberal orthodoxy. Climate activism is really a lobby or propaganda campaign in favor of the official agenda of the globo-liberal establishment. The fact that revolutionary leftists participate doesn´t disprove this, since most of these groups made their peace with late (drag queen) capitalism some time ago. But sure, I suppose it might add some spice to the whole thing. 

As avid readers of my mystery blog knows, I actually support Ukraine against Russia, but it was intriguing to see how fast the climate change movement (at least in Europe - why would activists in Africa or Asia give a damn?) embraced the Ukrainian cause. This proves that the movement is remote controlled by the establishment, or at the very least heavily dependent on its support, since (of course) the European establishment supports Ukraine (or at least pretends to do so). One of the main slogans of the movement suddenly became that we must stop using fossil fuels as a way of ending our dependency on Russian gas! This clearly reflects the agenda of the subsidized Green capitalistas, who may be afraid that their time in the sun (pun intended) is over, and that the entire scam will be gone with the wind (pun intended again) as the Western powers scramble for more *fossil* fuels to replace the Russian imports. 

What will happen to the climate change movement now? My guess is that the party´s over, and that the movement is about to loose its establishment support. It will probably become just another segment of the leftist "activist subculture", just another "cause" among 100 others. Most climate kids will leave and spiral off in safer directions, such as official anti-racism, pro-vaxx promotion, or the inevitable drag queen hour. 

Or maybe not.

There *is* a niche for the climate and environmentalist movements even now. The establishment might want to restrict access to the precious fossil fuels, either by price rationing or real rationing. There could be many reasons for such a policy: the war in Ukraine, peak oil, destruction of the middle class, and so on. A good way to justify rationing of fossil fuels is to claim that it´s necessary either to "transition" or simply that the resource is scarce or overpriced by Ivan. Therefore "everyone" must tighten their belts, and here the Greens can still play a role as megaphones of The Man, for instance by opposing any lowering of the energy taxes. It will be very interesting to see which leftists chose this path, and which will save their honor somewhat by remaining in the utopian subculture...

The common people probably never supported the green agenda anyway, and will be even more prone to vote for fossil fuel populists, if the establishement acts as above. This will push certain lefty types even more into the embrace of the establishment, since in their worldview, fossil fuel populism is - surprise - fascism. 

None of the above means that the climate crisis isn´t real. Not only is it real, it can´t be stopped. For all I know, actual resource scarcity might be real, too. We have a long, bumpy and probably quite unpleasant ride ahead of us. 

But perhaps a ride without the climate change movement. 

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