Thursday, July 14, 2022

Everyone is an atheist now

I noticed something strange about American YouTube atheists. They have a very broad definition of "atheism". Apparently, you can be an atheist even if you believe in disembodied souls, magic, a non-physical realm filled with non-physical objects, or Buddhism. 

How convenient.

But of course that´s not have the term "atheism" is usually used. It means an anti-religious materialist, period. Sure, some ivory tower intellectuals might have been atheists without being materialists (Bertrand Russell, Karl Popper), but so what?  

To me, this suggests two things. Either YouTube atheists are ivory tower intellectuals, or fancy themselves as such, or...something else is going on. Probably some kind of big tent strategy. Or an attempt to create a half-way house between "Xianity" and (real, hard, manly, muscular, materialist) atheism. Or perhaps both. It could also be a way to counter and confuse evangelical Christian apologists, who often conflate atheism and materialism (although that´s hardly a co-incidence!).

I´m frankly incredulous. The Americana atheists simply *can´t believe* that atheism is this broad. Process theology claims that God himself is naturalistic. Are process theologians therefore "atheists"? A Theosophist or New Age believer might claim that of course mind needs a in the soul being housed inside an astral body, God´s mind being enveloped in the cosmic ether, or something to that effect. A Tantric guru whose YouTube clips I sometimes follow claims that his system (a form of Kashmiri Shaivism) is atheist. Funny with all these atheists meditating in cremation grounds with skull-staffs, whatever. As for Buddhism, well, please read a book on comparative religion sometimes... 

I think somebody is full of shit somewhere.

It´s also somewhat peculiar that US YouTube atheists claim that atheism isn´t a "worldview" or "core identity", but simply a "lack of belief", yet have created an entire subculture around their atheism. Core identity, mucho? 

OK, end of rant. I´m late to the atheist temple service with Jehovah...


  1. Adolf Hitler and Crowley, on the other hand, were apparently "Christians"...

  2. Vad innebär "American YouTube atheists". Finns det speciella ateister just på YouTube? Hur hittar man dem?


    Mina kommentarer är generella, och handlar alltså inte om specifika personer eller klipp, men det finns en hel subkultur som man nog skulle kunna kalla "YouTube-ateister". Exempel på sådana kanaler ovan. Jag tycker att det finns vissa tendenser i deras argumentation.

  4. Jag är annars inte så insatt i denna subkultur. Mitt allmänna intryck är att det för kanske tio år sedan fanns stora motsättningar mellan en falang som var mer "vänster", och en som var mer "höger", närmast av libertariansk typ. De flesta jag har hittat idag verkar vara "vänster" eller opolitiska, men jag kan ju ha missat någon annan subkultur.

  5. Subkulturen är förresten representerad i t.ex. Storbritannien och Kanada också.
