Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Alien asset


I have long suspected that there is a connection between belief in the existence of alien civilizations in other star systems or galaxies, and the Modern Western Idea of Progress. The discovery of an alien race capable of traversing the bizarrely long distances between stars would be the best confirmation that Eternal Progress is indeed possible. 

I just found the above clip on YouTube. Joe Rogan interviews Michio Kaku, a scientist and popular science writer. Kaku is clearly a techno-optimist, believer in AI, and even a borderline transhumanist. On the Rogan show, he uses the declassified military footage of supposed UFOs as "the gold standard" of proof for the existence of aliens. Indeed, he argues at some length that the UFOs are genuine and probably extraterrestrial...

Kaku is now my gold standard for the above mentioned connection.

Kaku´s wild speculations about "type 3 civilizations" and whatever have been disproven long ago by Fermi´s paradox. Or at the very least rendered highly improbable. Indeed, there *is* no paradox here, unless you assume that aliens simply must be out there, frolicking among the firebirds of Orion. Here is a simpler solution: the aliens don´t exist, or (probably more likely) are smart enough not to launch doomed-to-fail expeditions to other planets. Maybe they prefer creative podcasting?

Kaku does hint at another possibility: that the "UFOs" are really Russian or Chinese "hypersonic drones". While he discards this, I would consider misidentified enemy drones *or our own little trinkets* to be a more likely explanation than denizens of a type 666 civilization monitoring our military aircraft for no good reason. Nor would I be surprised if Kaku is eventually outed as an "asset" of the military-intelligence community. 

So I might be a bit hard on him here, LOL.   


  1. Perhaps the Aliens just are the village idiots of their species? They have some kind of cosmic aspbergers and have primitive human wartech as their special intrest.Like human trainspotters.

    Learned the other day that ship spotting is also a thing. Eccentric males who hang out in harbours and taking photos of large merchant ships when they enter or leave ports.

  2. Speaking of the aspies, my favourite Aspie have a really funny take on the science of breastfeeding::

    This guy had a lot of folliwers who were E. Michael Jones fans as well. They suggested he had Mr Jones as as guest, wich he did.
    Total disaster. Dutton picked apart Jones argument against evolution with the typical sensitivity of an Aspie and Jones looked like he wanted to punch him trough the screen all the time.

    People were begging Dutton in The live chat to change the topic and several of them wrote stuff like "Oh my God what i regret suggesting this".
    Unfortunatley Dutton never save his live clips on the channel so this cringy but terribly funny episode seems lost to humanity.

  3. I´m only like two minute into his material, and I can already feel the "sensitivity" you were talking about. Wow. One of his clips is called "Why are there so many Hungarian porn stars?". LOL

  4. The ship-spotters sound like Russian spies or something...

  5. I doubt. If it had been during the cold war those autistis probably would have caught the attention of the counter intellugence in whatever country but with stuff like this it seems like way to much work to have spies in the ports:

    Or maybe not. Perhaps there are ways to avoid ships with sensitive cargo to show up with the right info on the shiptrackers. If you combined the shiptrackers with shipspotters you perhaps can notice patterns or broken patterns of traffic that may indicate the enemy is up to something.
