Friday, July 15, 2022

Defeating the centaur


Apparently, the new COVID variant is called "Centaurus". At least it got a cool name! The sculpture above shows Theseus defeating a centaur...


  1. Fauci is such a Theseus-like hero. We should have this statue but with Faucis face instead in every major city. Then all the sheep who voluntary took their jabs can go and worship at them before they colapse from SADS.

  2. And all the vile mothers in USA who volunteer their toddlers for the needlecraft can perform their child sacrafice in front of these statues.
    Might as well do it with style if youre gonna sacrafice your child. And if The kid survives the needlecraft, start planting the idea in its head that its born in The wrong body so you can have it sacrafice body parts to big Pharma.
    There seem to be a special kind of women who get off on projecting all their PC-bullshit on their kids just for the euphoria they get when hailed as supermothers by media.

  3. I use to think that Social Democracy and centrist liberalism had a better track record than virtually any other political ideology or religious worldview. Boy, was I wrong! They are very much responsible for...the present state of affairs. With some help from other political factions, obviously...

  4. Penti Linkola used to say that dictatorshioships are bad for the enviroment but that liberal democracies are way worse, in fact the worst system ever for nature.
