Sunday, July 10, 2022

For the love of Bonapartism

This is the end of a period in history which began in earnest around the 1930´s: the dominance of the Professional Managerial Class (PMC). Obviously in alliance with the bourgeoisie. The alliance between Big Government, Big Business and, I suppose, Big Banking looked palatable as long as Big Labor was also part of the equation, sometimes even controlling Big Government. Big Labor was dumped long ago, but not Big Government, since Big Business needs a strong state to parasitize the people and regulate the economy in its own favor, not to mention repression and war. 

What we experience now is the utter degeneracy and lunacy of the PMC, as it stumbles and fumbles towards its impending implosion. This is something of a tragedy. I didn´t mind the PMC at all. I actually think the "Social Democratic century" saw many positive reforms that made societies more equal, democratic and livable. Sure, some really bad decisions were made, too, but the world isn´t perfect! But as already mentioned, the PMC eventually threw the workers and the common man under the bus. This process culminated with "globalization". Then, the PMC seem to have lost its cohesion and self-discipline, turning from a creative minority to a dominant one...dominated by hedonistic frenzy, that is! 

"The culture war", with its bizarre attempts to turn men into women, and its dreams of trans-humanism, isn´t a "further step" on the road of social engineering, but a postmodern *parody* of it, heralding the impending doom of the entire system. The real question is: what will replace it? The most obvious alternative is a neo-liberal form of authoritarian strongman rule, in which the alliance of Big Government and Big Business continues, but now with the pro-business right-wing in control, rather than the liberals and fake lefts. But how long will such a situation last? After all, this system too is based on the very same alliance between a strong state and a rapacious business community as the PMC-dominated version! How long can it last? And can it defeat Russia and China in the new Cold War? Or a new world war...

Perhaps there isn´t a single alternative. As the system cracks, globalism will crack too, with different nations going off in vastly different directions. Maybe a weak state and a society dominated by robber barons with de facto private armies will be the future in the United States? Meanwhile an actual Bonaparte takes over in France, while Sweden gets a fascist regime pretending to be Social Democratic! We just don´t know, although I suspect that most of the alternative options will be far worse than the old system circa 1935 or 1975. But then, it´s not really replacing the old system circa 1935 or 1975. It´s replacing the old system circa 2022...

Who knows, maybe we will learn to love our Bonapartists. 

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