Monday, July 11, 2022

The QWERTY conspiracy


This is one of the funniest YouTube clips I´ve seen for a while. An atheist in a black mask (yes, it´s our old friend Logicked) tries to school a paranoid old lady about...I don´t know...the alphabet layout on keyboards? I honestly don´t even understand this one (and I do have a laptop), but clearly "The They" (otherwise best known as the Illuminati) have many tricks up their sleeve!

For reference, I also link to the original clip Logicked is responding to.

UPDATE. Apparently, this is the solution to the "problem", from commentator Chris at Gina´s video:

>>>NONE of the letters are “backwards.’ They are ALL upside-down. Some of the letters look the same when you flip them upside-down, but they are ALL upside-down. >>>The E, I, O, D, H, X, and the C will all look the same if they are upside-down, and the B and the K will look pretty close. This is because those letters are symmetrical vertically. You would see a similar effect if you move the “mirror” over to the side of the keyboard, Then all the letters with horizontal symmetry would look the “same” and all the OTHER letters will look “backwards.” Try it. Put a mirror next to your keyboard, off to one side. Now the W, T, Y, U, I, O, A, H, X, V, and M will all look “normal,” and all the other letters will be “backwards.” >>>It’s not a mystery. Everything is fine. When the mirror is above the keyboard, the letters are reflected vertically, in other words, “upside-down,” and when the mirror is off to one side, the letters will be reflected horizontally, or “backwards.” Certain letters will still look the same no matter what. That’s just what mirrors do. It’s not a mystery, okay? Calm down.

Glad to have this sorted out, then. :D


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