Friday, January 7, 2022

Tragedy or fraud?

Our modern, industrial civilization was supposed to be the zenith of human history and existence. It was supposed to last for billions of years (!) and eventually manage to leave Earth for greener pastures when the sun turns into a red giant, et cetera. Or was it the "post-industrial" "information" society that was supposed to accomplish this feat? 

That, and a classless society.

Now, we know how it all ended.

Yes, it will only last for about 300 years. Which is nothing. Not even in human historical terms. So *this* is the "inevitable" end-point of the Hegelian World-Spirit, the Marxist dialectic, Whiggish history, or whatever. "The Anthropocene". Everything I used to believe in, is in shambles. 

But hey, at least we solved Fermi´s paradox! 


  1. Industriella revolutionen. Tänk 1750 - 2050. Eller 1800 - 2100. Eller något sådant.
