Monday, January 3, 2022

The apocalypse have never been so boring


"2012" is a 2009 motion picture very freely based on the faux Mayan prophecy according to which the end of the world would take place in 2012 (it didn´t - 2022 is a better contender). Somewhat less freely, it also references Charles Hapgood´s highly speculative idea of "earth crustal displacement" (usually regarded as kook pseudo-science). Some menacing solar flares have been thrown in for good measure, too. 

Most of the world is devastated by fiery earth quakes and megatsunamis, as the rich and powerful make their way to China (or is it Tibet) where a secret cabal has built a number of "arks" to save themselves and the elite. Somewhere in the melee, the failed science fiction author Jackson tries to save his family, while chief geologist Adrian attempts to make the evacuation more humane as it would have been otherwise. The US president (who is Black) decides to stay behind in Washington DC, and dies the death of a martyr (Obama was president when the film was released). As a side point, I note that Russia and China are depicted as quite good guys, that Tibet is regarded as part of the PRC, and that Africa survives the global cataclysm...

Apparently, "2012" have become very popular on Netflix during the COVID pandemic and lockdowns. Perhaps it´s weirdly inevitable that a disaster film becomes huge during a disaster. However, I can´t say "2012" rocked my world. I´m sure the special effects were spectacular on a cinema screen, but both the plot and the acting leaves much to be asked for. Frankly, the apocalypse have never been so boring! Fun fact: the DVD version contains an alternate ending, in which the two jazz geezers from the cruise ship survives. And so does the entire ship, appropriately named "Genesis"...

So I suppose there is some kind of ground for hope after all. 

And yes, the crazy conspiracy hippie was hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Har sett den. Ja, den är nog ganska tråkig.

    Om man lyckas höra ljuder, som i alla fall i början är lite si och så, är nog Ian Hodders föredrag som jag kort skriver om. och länkar till, här - mer spännande.
