Thursday, January 6, 2022

OK Boomer


About two months ago, Ken Wilber was interviewed on a YouTube channel called The Stoa. Wilber was a well-known writer on spiritual topics during the 1990´s and 00´s, but seems to have lost traction since. Hearing the interview, I can´t say I´m surprised. 

Wilber´s Integral Theory (which could be seen as a strongly modernized and syncretized version of Theosophy) sounds increasingly irrelevant in the new post-2016 reality. I realize that *every* topic can´t be covered in a two-hour YouTube satsang, but it *does* look strange that neither Trump, Biden nor COVID restrictions came up during the conversation between Wilber and his interlocutors. In other words, the actual global-systemic crisis in the real (first quadrant?) world. 

The problem is obviously Wilber´s evolutionary-optimistic worldview, in which everything just gets better and better all the time, a worldview he apparently has decided to stick to until he gets reincarnated in some turquoise star system. At one point in the presentation, Wilber even comes close to denying climate change, probably taking a cue from Björn Lomborg, accusing Extinction Rebellion of being "negative"! (Well, I suppose they are.) Rather than seeing that science is going through a crisis which may destroy it altogether (or at least its reputation), Wilber actually thinks that evolutionary theory is progressing in *his* direction, towards an understanding of Eros and teleology. And when asked whether we should try to preserve the ancient "traditions" - presumably a way to salvage what can be saved from the mess we´re in - Wilber in effect says no. The only "tradition" worth saving is the mystical core of every religion, as interpreted by modernized Zen Buddhism. Wilber strongly implies that someone who becomes enlightened today (or in the future) is more advanced than the Buddha. While the "emptiness" is the same, the "form" is much more expansive, and in Wilber´s system, apparently both are necessary for the enlightened being. (His view of enlightenment is probably very broadly inspired by Non-Dual Tantrism.)  

True, Wilber isn´t as nihilistic towards the past as, say, the SJWs. He is for evolution rather than revolution (at one point, Wilber boasted that he knew both Bill Clinton and Karl Rove), and the higher levels in his evolutionary scenario both "transcend" and "include" the previous ones. When discussing with de facto philosopher John Vervaeke, Wilber expresses strong support for his "Post-Nominalist Neoplatonism", and he seems genuinely intrigued by the ability of Neoplatonism to combine seemingly opposite notions (such as "ascent" to the spirit and "descent" into matter). Unfortunately, his discussion with Vervaeke was cut short precisely when it became interesting! And in the end, Wilber still sounds too transcending/repudiating of earlier perspectives. 

I think Integral Theory is past its pull date, and probably can´t be salvaged by any Hegelian Aufheben, being too "late modern" or even "postmodern" for the new and somewhat more "descending" world situation...  

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