A badly written or edited article on Wikipedia. Still, it´s interesting that certain scientists and liberal or moderate Christians have tried to turn evolution into an (explicit) myth or "epic". In other words, evolution as religion. Probably past its pull date...
The epic of evolution and all that stuff was fun as long as it lasted. I mean, it really *was* our "religion", wasn´t it?
ReplyDeleteThe epic ended with humanity leaving a scorched Earth billions of years into the future in highly advanced space ships to colonize new worlds in the galaxy...
ReplyDeleteWe have been religious all our lives, without even realizing it.
ReplyDeleteWhere does the religion of evolutionary Progress originally come from? Oetinger? Hegel? Some obscure Jewish heresy that immanentized Lurianic Kabbala?
ReplyDeleteIn reality, the zenith of cosmic evolution was just a blip of about 300 years. Which is nothing. There is a species of fish, the Greenland shark, that can live longer! And, of course, trees. Crazy hubris, if you think about it!
ReplyDeleteSo the zenith of our civilization, which was supposedly also the zenith of *cosmic* evolution (and the fulcrum of the entire universe) lasted *less* than some freaky cartilaginous fish in the high Arctic, wtf.
ReplyDeleteHA HA HA I´m laughing at myself for un-ironically believing in it for so long...
ReplyDeleteLook at us, we can´t even cope with a bloody COVID pandemic. The crown of creation!
ReplyDeleteBut sure, I suppose we could still turn this tiny little planet into a desolate wasteland by nuclear war and/or anthropogenic climate change, just to make a point about our fantastic cosmic importance. There, Mr Universe, there, look who´s boss now!!!
ReplyDeleteIf we can´t create a perfect utopia, maybe we can at least trigger the perfect storm?
ReplyDeleteThen we can go under in flame and fire, convinced that we have thereby demonstrated our UNIQUENESS and SUPERIORITY.
ReplyDeleteAfter all, the Greenland shark can´t do that, so there, Western modern civ just proved its superiority. Secret king wins again!
ReplyDeleteThe Western myth of progress and the epic of evolution is just the latest (and strangest) Judeo-Christian heresy. Or cluster of heresies.