Sunday, February 28, 2021

SJW Classic


A link to a SJW classic from 2016, apparently seriously intended. Here is a sample:

>>>After we published the review, we heard from Latinx readers who believe the portrayal of Salma Hayek’s taco was racist and that it reinforced harmful stereotypes. We heard from readers who were upset that we labeled the taco a lesbian when it seems more likely that she was bisexual. We heard from readers who questioned the consent of the sexual encounter between the taco and the hot dog bun. We heard from readers who found the taco to be a damaging portrayal of a predatory queer woman.>>> 

>>>I want to personally apologize to every reader who was hurt by the Sausage Party review. I failed you as a senior editor of this website and I failed you as an ally. I am wholly sorry for the pain and anger I caused you. I offer you no justification. I was blinded by my own whiteness existing inside a system of white supremacy. I must do better. I will do better.>>>

Almost 100 years after the New Deal, this is the new base of the Democratic Party. It is also the new face of the left. Yes, you did *indeed* mess up, that´s true!

"We messed up"


  1. Is the staff of this batshit crazy publication at least unionized? They should demand a pay raise, being forced to edit shit like this!

  2. At the very least, they should demand hot dogs and tacos.
