Sunday, February 21, 2021

When privatization aint fun no more

This wasn´t what the neo-liberal privatization craze á la Maggie Thatcher was supposed to lead to, well, you live and you learn.

Here´s an idea. Let´s make a deal with "Red" China. One: Bring the jobs back. Two: Let the ChiComs take our schools. They should definitely try this approach in the United States...

Also, note the connection with the COVID pandemic! Why isn´t the UK government paying the schools instead?  

China is buying British schools


  1. Maybe John Ross from Socialist Action can now become new Secreterary for Education?

  2. Perhaps Japan and Singapore can buy our schools?

  3. This is how powerfull states often wage war after nuclear weapons got common. Never any real peace or real war,only low intensity warfare/Very strained peace all the time.
    Those states with open borders and non protectionist trade deals are losing big time in this kind of warfare.

  4. Exactly, some call it 5GW or 5th Generation Warfare.
