Sunday, February 7, 2021

Don't freak, we're Sikh

Why do "blue check-marks" support the farmer protests in India?

Don't get me wrong. I support them myself. But why has it become a new form of virtue signaling to support these particular protests?

The farmers want higher government subsidies. How many blue check-marks have campaigned for higher subsidies to American farm country lately?

The angry Indian farmers also want cheaper gasoline, and the right to stubble burning, which causes air pollution in New Delhi.

A critic might argue that they want the Indian government to subsidize environmental destruction! 

Of course, I think I know the reason why. The government of Prime Minister Modi is Hindu nationalist. They oppress Muslims. And blue check-marks love Muslims.

But there's one problem with that too. The protesting farmers are not Muslims. They are, ahem, Sikhs. And Sikhs *hate* Muslims...

Perhaps the Twitterati really should virtue signal about something else, rather than meddling in Indian politics. Save the whales, maybe?

Check mate, liberals! 


  1. Exellent post. Would Sikhism even exist if it wasnt for the mogul invasion? It seems like it was a way to rid hinus of the over-philosophical mentality it had developed ,wich made it lose much of its martial nature. Something that was desperatley needed when the moguls invaded. Philosophy is all good and well but not in the middle of an invasion.
    But what do the liberals know or care about this? What do they know or care about anything but virtue signaling.

  2. Yes, Sikhism would probably just be another version of Hinduism, perhaps even a peaceful-ascetic one, had it not been for the militarization of their faith to fight the Mughals. I've spent the entire evening reading about the Sikhs on Wiki, an interesting religion in many ways.

  3. I got the inspiration to start winter swimming when i red about how they incorporate that in their morning rituals. They say it prepares them for battle an chase fear away. I think they are right.

  4. Latest news from India is that BJP government wants Twitter to ban anti-BJP accounts, and Twitter (which banned Trump etc) complaining about "violation of free speech". LOL. Even though I don't like BJP, I nevertheless hope they do ban the Twitter hypocrites. Hopefully, any non-BJP administration will uphold the ban just to show who's boss!
