Thursday, February 11, 2021

Summerland of the soul


"What is life REALLY like on the Astral Plane? Rare details" is a YouTube clip featuring Cyrus Kirkpatrick, an astral traveler and afterlife explorer (or purported such, if you´re of a more skeptical bent). Kirkpatrick´s channel is called Afterlife Topics and Metaphysics. It seems Kirkpatrick is finally back in the States, Tucson to be more exact, after being stuck somewhere in the Phillippines for most of the COVID pandemic. In this clip, he elaborates on his view of the afterlife, which he calls "the astral plane". He claims to have visited the afterlife during out-of-body experiences, and have interviewed its denizens. 

Apparently, the inhabitants of the astral world call our world "the Earth plane", while there world is simply "Earth". It looks like an improved copy of our world. For instance, there are copies of our cities in the astral world, including astral versions of LA, Hong Kong, Jerusalem and even Tucson, Arizona. Paranormal abilities, such as telepathy, are considered normal. Teleportation and materialization of objects are skills that can be learned. Objects come and go, a house further down the street might not be there the next day, and this too is considered a normal thing. Time is less important, since important meetings can be held at once through telepathy, or people can bilocate (be at more than one place at the same time). 

Many inhabitants of the astral create entire fantasy worlds through visualization. Ghosts exist on the astral plane -  more exactly, the "ghosts" are physical people on the Earth plane, who are barely visible from the astral. 

Technology is better on the other side. They had smart phones already 30 years ago! UFOs and aliens visit the astral Earth on a semi-regular basis, apparently without anyone raising an eyebrow. 

A curious detail is that astral humans are potentially mortal. Surprisingly enough, there are both wars and conflicts in the afterlife, and people who join such "causes" can be hurt so badly that their astral bodies in effect die. The only way to fix the problem is by reincarnating on our Earth plane, whereby new astral bodies are created! Kirkpatrick therefore advises everyone to stay out of such conflicts...

A critic might argue that Kirkpatrick´s description of the astral plane sounds strangely dream-like, and that this proves it *is* a dream. Indeed, Kirkpatrick says in another YouTube clip that out-of-body experiences can be consciously induced during sleep paralysis! What skeptics take as proof against an afterlife, is here turned into a mechanism to explore a supposedly real afterlife state. 

With that little observation, I close this review. 

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