Thursday, February 27, 2025

Velikovsky´s virus


Let´s be honest: nobody cares about viruses in Lake Tanganyika six million years ago. Or fish. Or whatever they have in that darn waterhole. No, what everyone wants to know is: did human evolution "kickstart" due to that supernova and its cosmic rays? And if so, CAN IT HAPPEN AGAIN???  

Did a supernova kickstart evolution six miillion years ago?


  1. The idea that "cosmic rays" somehow dinged our DNA and caused a divergence in the sequence, effecting a change or evolution in humans, has been a point in my "theories of everything" for years. And it could be divine intervention or, just accidental. I favor the latter.

  2. I suspect that, too. Or some really weird karma. Probably not "teleology" . What´s worse? Having a cosmic purpose or being free of one?!
