Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The mark of the bearded bellydancers


This actually happened (the bizarre video is linked above).  

Trump faces Truth Social backlash after AI video of topless Netanyahu and bearded bellydancers


  1. It is insane on so many levels. This is the President of the United States??!! A golden (calf) statue we're supposed to worship? Who in their right mind would publish such a thing? I wake up every day under the darkest of clouds, fearful of what will happen next. Talk about PTSD! But, one has ideations. (I wonder if ideas are floating around in a collective unconscious, inspired by the "Mind of All" and are received by millions of human minds in a correlated instant-but that's another topic.)

    We need a contingent of Black Democrats (as in Black Ops) to carry out the mission of retaking the government (enforce the Constitution!) and return to the ideals set forth therein. We've been trying to achieve this experiment for nearly 250 years, and once again are hijacked by the morbidly rich.

    Now buyer's remorse is in evidence by the Trump voters, as Republicans are finding out at their town hall constituent meetings. (Speaker of the House Johnson says those that complain are Democrat infitrators!)

    Musk taking a chain saw to federal agencies is just the tip of the iceberg. Lifelong apolitical personnel are being told "youre fired and have 5 hours to clean out your workspace." If our Supreme Court looks the other way and allows Trump more consolidation of Executive Branch powers we will be well and truly a broken society. Again, clearly this is insanity. Four years of hell started on January 20, 2025.

    Batten down the hatches, Europe! I wonder what intel Macron's recon mission will bring back to the EU too. Oh, now 25% tarriffs on the EU imports too! Guess I'll have to limit my single malt purchases to once a year!

    1. Correction: Federal workers were given 15 minutes to clean out and evacuate their workspaces.

  2. Trump asks reporter to say what a great job he's doing:
