Rambling nonsense? Or not? Our favorite crazy uncle TJ Kirk (a.k.a. the content-creator formerly known as The Amazing Atheist) rambles on about all and everything in this improptu video clip, apparently taped at 2AM in the morning!
Which suggests my man has pretty much the same (disturbed) biological clock as here undersigned...
Topics covered in this strange wolf-hour rant include Trump´s effects on TJ´s stock portfolio, questions concerning Elon Musk´s autism, and whether or not trans-gender surgeries have sunk the US economy.
Er, wut?
TJ also promises to show us his next tattoo. Note that he looks almost "spiritual" in this video, with that purple outfit and golden bling-bling. A bit like an Osho devotee, perhaps? He talks a bit about spiritual stuff, too. Make of this unpolished material whatsoever you wish.
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