An extremely entertaining blog post by Karl Shuker, in which he speculates wildly about the existence of a glowing green chimpanzee (or is it sasquatch) in Florida, solely on the basis of John Keel´s "Strange creatures from time and space". Ahem, is Keel a reliable source *at all*? The elusive creature was only seen once - or perhaps twice - so it´s really impossible to tell what it could have been.
I would like to add "the witnesses had a vivid imagination", "the witnesses were lying" and "Keel was tricked by a little green midget from a circus" to the list of possible explanations. Or maybe the reluctant eye witnesses came a bit too close to the 8th Tower!
Still, a tour de force of sorts from my man Shuker.
Evaluating the Elf Chimp of Florida: Glowing Green and Very Mean!
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