Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The patriarch of Glastonbury?!


Some other dude 

Is this even a true story? But it probably is. A bunch of most endearing British excentrics formed a Neo-Celtic Church supposedly in union with the Oriental Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch in Syria, and then proceeded to declare the Patriarch unseated (!) when he disavowed all the weirdos in the Western world claiming his mantle (or was it the robes). LOL. 

The Neo-Celts had amazing titles and names, too, such as "Patriarch of Glastonbury, Abdullah III" or "Abba James, Archbishop Titular of Caerleon-upon-Usk". There was also a Patriarch of Malaga! Not to mention an Eparchy of all the Turanians, with claimed jurisdiction over Finland, Hungary and Turkey...

This sums it up well:

>>>If the truth must be told, those so-called 'extensions' of the Antiochene Patriarchate were a chimera, based on the tradition handed down from the eighteen-sixties that the apostate French Dominican, Julius Ferrette, having been consecrated Bishop of Iona by Mar Bedros, Bishop of Emesa (Homs), had been appointed by the Jacobite Patriarch as his Legate in Europe, with the specific purpose of erecting an autocephalous British Patriarchate. 

>>>To the objective observer, the so-called Council of London and its Acts are the stuff that the dreams are reminiscient of, an Arabian Nights tale. For none of the prelates who took part in its brief session could claim jurisdiction over more than perhaps a dozen followers, and some of the Churches had only a paper existence. They did, on the other hand, take themselves quite seriously. 

If another Wiki entry is to be believed, one faction of the ex-Catholicate actually managed to affiliate with the Coptic Church in Egypt for a number of years, but surely *that* can´t be true... 

Catholicate of the West

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