Thursday, June 20, 2024

Not the magick I ordered


My man John Michael Greer covers a *lot* of ground in this relatively short essay. 

How about the astral light, hippies, entitled pseudo-occultists, the dangers of necromancy, medieval Neoplatonism and its influence on C S Lewis, "Woke" attacks on people staying fit, the similarity between Christian fundamentalism and angry atheism, and the inevitability of imperial decline! And yes, somebody has been trying to troll him lately...

The medieval Neoplatonism thing was (perhaps) the most interesting.  

A path that abides

1 comment:

  1. Good essay, ending with a twinkle of hope for the future of the West.
    I thought of responding to the previous blog *Cat Lady Paganism* that one sure giveaway of a pseudo practitioner is spelling it as Magick and Magickal Practices! What is important is to avoid self-delusion at all costs. To see Dao one must be sightless...or put another way, blessed are the meek; a wise person will never claim that they are indeed wise. In Greer's view occultism then has an aim,
    to become a fully developed human; but even that statement feels like conceit.
