Monday, June 10, 2024

Courage of conviction?


Notorious troll Richard Hanania comments Macron´s decision to call a snap election in France:

>>>Emmanuel Macron once again proves he is the most heroic political figure in the West. His call for a snap election is a dare to the public. You want Le Pen? Ok, let´s see you vote for her party in a real election. 

>>>Macronism holds that the people have stupid views, and furthermore don´t even have the courage of conviction in their stupidity, so when you push them to the brink they will back down.

>>>Macron´s career has been about again and again standing up to the mob. No other leader has been willing to go as far as him in taking on the gerontocracy, despite weeks of riots in response to him raising the retirement age. During the Summer of Floyd, he didn´t budge on statues and French history. Now he dares the French public to vote for Le Pen´s party. 

>>>Sure, mindless populism sounds good, but deep down no matter how dull they are, voters know that these aren´t the kinds of people who can run a functioning country. En marche!   

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