Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Cosmic hot dogs


- Damn, that dude Dyson just discovered
our hot dog stand at Andromeda!

Of course there are no Dyson spheres. I´m sure the local skeptic community is all over this case, taking the scientists to task for their, ahem, pseudo-science.

Or no?  

Alien megastructures are not what they seem



  2. She´s just speculating. There is no evidence for alien civilizations that advanced. The paper linked to in my post debunks the "Dyson sphere" paper she is quoting.

  3. It's a comical term for sure. But still, an enormous idea, as if something like a Dyson sphere would be possible.

  4. I wonder if it´s even possible in theory? Can a megastructure be built around an active sun to harness its energy? Hmmm...

    Fermi´s paradox seem to apply. If Dyson spheres are possible, where are they? The paper she references was interesting, but seems to have been debunked...

  5. My solution to Fermi´s paradox is that intelligent life is common, but more likely to be elephant-like than human-like. Or that human-like civilizations don´t necessarily have a "Faustian" mentality and hence don´t absolutely want to "conquer space".

  6. Men KIC 8462852 är väl ännu inte förklarad?
