Thursday, January 4, 2024

Alien pancakes


A discussion of the easily most bizarre UFO case on record. And yes, I´ve heard about it before. 

In 1961, Wisconsin farmer Joe Simonton met space aliens who were eating pancakes! They even let him take a bite. Even more weirdly, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analyzed the alien pancake and reached the conclusion that it was entirely earthly. Well, maybe the UFO occupants procured their foodstuffs at a local grocery store? So what´s the problem here, huh, huh?!

The YouTube channel above, moderated by American Zen Buddhist Brad Warner, looks at the UFO phenomenon from a paranormal and somewhat conspiracist perspective. Think Jacques Vallée or John Keel. Since Warner is usually very "moderate", it´s actually quite funny that he is so radical on the UFO topic.  

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