Saturday, June 20, 2020

Prison Planet

“Is the Earth a Prison Planet?” is a YouTube clip featuring astral traveler and paranormal investigator Cyrus Kirkpatrick. He discusses the seemingly bizarre idea that the Earth is a “prison planet” used by aliens to get rid of their criminals. These therefore reincarnate in our world as humans (perhaps particularly evil or vile humans). This take on things is mostly associated with Scientology, but is really an old religious concept – the belief that this world is fallen and that we are here as a form of punishment. In the modern world, this gets turned into a scenario involving UFOs and aliens. 

In the clip, Kirkpatrick shows a trailer to a film produced by the “Farsight Institute”, a weird group that apparently believes in notions of this kind. He then discusses whether the concept has some kind of merit. Kirkpatrick seems to believe that although Earth in general is *not* a prison planet, one cannot rule out that certain individuals really do end up here because they are unwanted elsewhere. Kirkpatrick´s own father had near-paranormal powers of charisma, which he often used for nefarious purposes, and Kirkpatrick feels that this could be one example. 

“Afterlife topics and metaphysics” (the name of the channel) contains many clips that are (at least from my perspective) a blend of the reasonable and the really far out. For some strange reason (my horoscope, perhaps?), I find this strangely fascinating…

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