Saturday, February 1, 2025

Everyone is an agent


When I was younger, anarchists (yes, anarchists) always explained away any violence at anarchist protest marches by claiming that the violent protesters must be undercover cops or fascist provocateurs. 

It just struck me that people on the Alt Right explain away the rank stupidity of many AR influencers in the same way. They must be Deep State operatives, "ticket takers" or whatever.

Now, I don´t deny that there are many agents and provocateurs out there. On the Internet, we call them "trolls". Or even "influencers", LOL. But here´s the question nobody on the fringes seems to be asking: *why is it so damn easy to stage provocations against anarchists or Alt Right keybord warriors*? 

The answer is obvious: most of the former actually are violence-prone, and many of the latter do cater to stupid people...

But sure, they are all part of the Spectacle.   


  1. Thats why i liked Classwar. They never explained away anything. Then again, some people accused the whole organisation of being created by the establishment to justify police violence against leftists. I highly doubt that to be the case.

  2. Yes, they were a kind of honest bastards. Or honest trolls. I think they were created by an ultraleftist group of some kind. London Workers Group? And punk rockers?

  3. From what i heard they were an unintentional fusion of genuine working class unionists, left leaning soccer hooligans and punk rockers. And a few anarchist students.
    How i miss the when anarchists werent just a bunch of whiny intelectuals and actually had both spine and balls.
    Their level of trolling was on par with Daily Stormer , and thats before internet was a thing
