Sunday, January 5, 2025

Time dilation

This is an intriguing but also somewhat disturbing video about a recent scientific study, arguing that dark energy might not really exist. In reality, time goes slower in certain parts of the universe and faster in others. This "time dilation" creates the illusion of the phenomenon scientists try to explain in terms of "dark energy". Indeed, the universe might even start to contract at some point (the Big Crunch).

I know that Einstein had some pretty exotic ideas about the nature of time, but I never really reflected on the topic until...well, now really. What does it even *mean* that time goes faster in some regions of space and more slowly in others? Doesn´t the Crunch happen at the same...ahem...time for everyone?

Or as Sabine Hossenfelder argued (I think): If light would be conscious, it would experience a 100 billion year-journey throughout the universe as happening in one instant...but the journey would *still* take 100 billion years?!


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