Friday, January 31, 2025

The happy generations


Recently deceased film maker David Lynch was an active practitioner of Transcendental Meditation (TM). Or perhaps a member of the TM cult, if you´re more critical of these things. The first video above features Zen Buddhist teacher and author Brad Warner critiquing TM. It´s all in there: the Natural Law Party, the yogic flying, the obsession with celebrity (including the Beatles and Lynch), the claim that TM is just a wholesome meditation technique (when it´s really a guru-centered Shaiva sect) and the expensive mantras. Yepp, a real blast from the past. Or at least the 1970´s. 

I assume Lynch must have been interested in Buddhism before he went into TM, since the Dharma is mentioned at several points in "Twin Peaks". Three examples in the clips below. My favorite is "Albert´s path is a strange and difficult one", although it´s not made explicit whether or not the hard nosed detective is specifically a Buddhist. I mean, he could just as well be interpreted as a Quaker?!

At least we´re the happy generations, right?     

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