Saturday, January 18, 2025

Ingen aning


Jag, begrundandes mitt bloggande

Har ingen aning om hur mitt bloggande kommer att utvecklas under 2025. Det känns som att jag behöver något slags nyorientering, men jag har ingen aning om vad det skulle kunna vara för något...

Känner mig lite som en Tiktok-flykting, faktiskt.  


  1. Det roligaste vore om du plötsligt kom fram till att LRP ca 1990 hade rätt och att du sedan började fylla din blogg med referenser till artiklar av Walter Daum och Sy Landy från den tiden. Ännu roligare vore det om du dessutom angav ett årtal då LRP sedan urartade, och du alltså gjorde anspråk på att vara den ende som försvarade den gamla LRP-linjen mot Daums och Landys förräderi.
    Erik R

  2. Just det. Har nästan lust att LARP-a gamla LRP. LRP-a, så att säga. Och så skickar man länken till någon Spartacist-avknoppning, så de kan skriva en helt vansinnig "polemik" mot mig (och LRP).

  3. Had to do some investigation here and identify LRP and who Daum and Sy Landy were. As a younger man here I was involved with the YPO, another defunct organization.

    Meanwhile, how can one be a refugee from one's own blog? Take heart, the world events of the coming year will beg for correlations and explanations...not to mention safe havens. We will need to find much common ground to survive, and non-lethal pastimes. Fun filled and "fact" filled blogspots such as yours add a level of sanity (!) and
    camaraderie to the whole freakin' mess. Keep an eye on Elon and Trump especially.

  4. PS: That would be a fantastic "Great Hall" to ponder in!

  5. I almost called it: suspected that YPO might be a front for the New American Movement (NAM). OK, so it was something as exotic as a White "nationalist" group that was really leftist and worked with the Black Panthers and Young Lords! Sounds almost a bit...dangerous. Never heard about YPO before, though!

    1. YPO was grassroots, not violent as a first solution. Not Nationalist in an exclusive totalitaran sense, but really people oriented. I worked in the field cllinic. I knew Youngblood and "Junebug". What a character! as the name suggests. Uptown Chicago was intense. The Indian bars such as the War Bonnett (I kid you not) amidst the hillbilly bars and pure straight out bums roaming the streets; lunatics on house release on the streets. I knew a guy with a lobotomy, would walk around picking up shreds of paper off the street. Edddie. He was a big Blues fan and visited the clubs. It's true Amerinds can't take alcohol. YPO made an attempt at social justice and many folks were helped by the cinic. I was 18-19 yrs old. Saw Jesse Jackson give a powerful speech back then. You knew he wasn't kidding! A lot of MLK speeches being played on th eradio now.

  6. I think the NAM had a front/auxillary/brekaway which tried to "sell" leftist politics to middle Americans under a star-spangled banner, don´t remember their name.

  7. Mer Strasser! Döp om bloggen till "Dagens Strasser".
