Friday, January 24, 2025

Irrationality reigns


A peculiar YouTube video about "simulation theory" from the atheist who goes by Rationality Rules (RR). He argues that there is a 30% probability that a "god" does exist, but not the god of classical theism, but rather an advanced AI system which has created countless of artificial universa. Ahem, this idea *is* theism but with the serial numbers filed off. If the probability of crypto-theism is 30%, what is the probability of classical theism or - even better - panentheism? 

In this particular case, the comments in the commentary section (those under "Most popular") are necessary reading, in which RR gets considerable pushback from various nerds. I suspect that the nerds are more or less right in this case. Also that AI is mostly hype for marketing and investment purposes right now. And due to some energy crisis or resource crisis in the near future, the Quasi-Divine Matrix will collapse before it even gets started!

Indeed, it´s very difficult to see how the AI could function flawlessly for aeons, and even give rise to a near infinite number of universes. After all, we´re dealing with a freakin´ *machine* here! Still, it will be interesting to see if atheism develops into a techno-optimistic, cornucopian and trans-humanist *religion* in the near future, crashing and burning like any other movement claiming that the apocalypse is just around the corner (pardon, I mean the Singularity)...  

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