Friday, January 24, 2025

Atman has no limits


The mysterious and somewhat colorful spiritual teacher "Dev Bhagavan" (his current alias) discusses the current environmental crisis with an unknown person simply called "Dave". 

The most recent updates to the old classic "Limits to Growth" show that we are right on track and on schedule to the inevitable civilizational collapse. Resources, energy and agricultural produce are getting more scarce. Soon, the population will contract, as well. In the United States, the Trump administration is trying to "solve" the situation by plans to grab Greenland and the like. They already control the island militarily, so the new push is about natural resources. Both Dev and Dave believe that Native territories in New Zealand and the US are filled with oil, gold or uranium, which explains why it´s suddenly so important for the national governments to take them over. It´s also necessary for the US to control high quality oil that can be refined to make diesel, not just any old oil well. 

Trump´s and Musk´s new "Stargate" program in the US is not really about reaching Mars, according to Dev Bhagavan. It´s some kind of conspiracy concerning very earthly matters. Perhaps advanced AI? A culling of the world population? Leaving Earth isn´t an option anyway (not even for the super-rich) since humans can´t take the radiation in space or on Mars. 

Dev Bhagavan doesn´t believe there are any material solutions to our current predicament. We are in the Kali Yuga, and that´s that. The only solution is spiritual. Since castes are mixed and confused in the Kali Yuga, everyone should have access to all Vedic scriptures (not just those who are "qualified" - since almost nobody is anyway). Let people experiment best they can, abolish all religious institutions, every path is valid!

Obviously, I can´t vouch for this particular teacher (cough cough), but I think there is something to the above, as far as it goes. That, and dragonships...     

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