Friday, January 31, 2025

The eternal return of the Messiah


I heard about "the Taoist Messiah" a couple of years ago, when reading up on Taoism (here spelled Daoism). Or rather really existing Taoism, which turns out to be very far removed from California hippies, organic farming or Winnie the Pooh. 

Think divine saviors appearing on mountains and revealing scriptures, Messianic movements organizing millenarian rebellions against reprobate emperors, a chosen remnant creating utopia...and then off to the next cycle, rinse and repeat, all throughout Chinese history.

The emperors responded by killing everyone suspected of involvement in such movements. Even having a name suspiciously similar to that of the Taoist Messiah could be enough to seal your fate...and that of your entire family.

I think it´s obvious that we´re dealing with Zoroastrian influence eclectically combined with "real" Taoism. Thus, the savior figure is said to be an apotheosis of Lao-tse, his mission is to "balance the Tao", and he appears as part of a cyclical cosmology (rather than the once-and-for-all version of Zoroastrian and Abrahamic soteriology). Still, it does seem to "work" (kind of). 

It could be argued (and I do argue) that the Taiping rebellion was a "Christian" version of the same phenomenon, while the Communist Party of China is a secularized ditto. And today, the CPC is challenged by a more typical millenarian cult. Yes, that would be Falun gong!

It seems that Li Hong never really left the building. Or that mountain...  

The light of the Matrix


I´m not surprised that David Icke has embraced the idea of "soul traps". It´s exactly the kind of paranoid and contrarian notion you would expect from this conspiracy theorist to end all conspiracy theories. The idea is that seemingly blissful and benign near death experiences (NDEs) are really part of the Simulation or Matrix, which I assume is held together by evil reptiloid space aliens. If your soul gets tricked and flies into the light at death, it will be mind-wiped and forced to reincarnate on prison planet Earth. 

A *somewhat* less paranoid interpretation would be similar to Buddhism, where there are a number of temporary "heaven-realms" which may be nice & cozy as far as they go...but sub specie eternitatis, they don´t go very far. The soul (or no-soul) must eventually be reborn as a human again...and suffering starts all over. But in the Buddhist scenario, the only real culprit is *you* and your negative karma. 

In Icke´s version, there are actively malevolent forces working behind the scenes to imprison us in the Matrix (yes, that´s a reference to the science fiction film "The Matrix"). The love that flows in a NDE would therefore be fake, and so are the angelic beings or ascended masters who come to greet the soul in the afterlife. 

I´m not sure if we can somehow get rid of these spiritual free-riders, but Icke seems to be suggesting that nothing can be done...except trying to find the real light (at one point Icke calls it "watery light" as opposed to electro-magnetic ditto) which will finally liberate us.    

The David Lynch Effect


A somewhat confusing video, in which famous movie maker David Lynch (who recently passed away  - or passed on?) tries to explain the basic worldview of Transcendental Meditation (TM) and why he joined this particular New Religious Movement. A sequel to my previous blog post about Lynch, Twin Peaks and TM. 

The happy generations


Recently deceased film maker David Lynch was an active practitioner of Transcendental Meditation (TM). Or perhaps a member of the TM cult, if you´re more critical of these things. The first video above features Zen Buddhist teacher and author Brad Warner critiquing TM. It´s all in there: the Natural Law Party, the yogic flying, the obsession with celebrity (including the Beatles and Lynch), the claim that TM is just a wholesome meditation technique (when it´s really a guru-centered Shaiva sect) and the expensive mantras. Yepp, a real blast from the past. Or at least the 1970´s. 

I assume Lynch must have been interested in Buddhism before he went into TM, since the Dharma is mentioned at several points in "Twin Peaks". Three examples in the clips below. My favorite is "Albert´s path is a strange and difficult one", although it´s not made explicit whether or not the hard nosed detective is specifically a Buddhist. I mean, he could just as well be interpreted as a Quaker?!

At least we´re the happy generations, right?     

Autism increases


The Woke libertarian girl who refused to vote for RFK Jr with the argument that his anti-vaxx stance is really a form of hate against autistic people has gotten herself new eyeglasses. 


Den heliga yttrandefriheten


- Yttrandefrihet, vasa? Komma ICKE på fråga!

Det här är bara en annan form av svensk naivitet. Linderborg missuppfattar dessutom poängen med yttrandefrihet. Den har *aldrig* primärt handlat om några dadaistiska avantgarde-konstnärers "rätt att utmana den fina smaken". Bara en gammal kulturredaktör kan uttrycka sig så! 

Självfallet handlar det om politik. I allmänhet om att olika elitgrupper vill lösa sina inbördes konflikter på ett "civiliserat" sätt. Vanligt folk kan genom kamp tilltvinga sig en plats vid förhandlingsbordet. Det kan även handla om geniernas rätt att säga geniala saker utan att gamla mossiga dogmatiker kan stoppa dem. Alltså genier som filosofer, vetenskapsmän, och så vidare. Vilket gynnar vissa moderniserande elitgrupper. Och i bästa fall samhället i dess helhet. 

Den korkade dadaisten och dennes puerila provokationer är det pris samhället betalar för yttrandefriheten. Den är inte yttrandefrihetens kärna, mål eller syfte. 

Dessutom kan yttrandefriheten aldrig vara total. Är det ens önskvärt att så är fallet? Om inte staten har rätt att under vissa omständigheter reglera yttrandefriheten kommer vilken provokatör som helst att kunna sabotera viktiga politiska beslut eller äventyra rikets säkerhet. Vill Åsa Linderborg ha total yttrandefrihet i krigstid...för motståndarsidan?     

Får Salwan Momika skylla sig själv?

Det nordirländska tillståndet


Vår ofrivillige grannbloggare nu igen. Enligt Hübinette har det inte sprängts så här mycket i Sverige sedan slutskedet av kriget mot Ryssland 1809. Lägg även märke till jämförelsen med Nordirland!

När ska vi börja kalla de här händelserna för inbördeskrig? Eller åtminstone terrorism.

Är förresten tillräckligt gammal för att minnas när medierna för bara en månad sedan skröt med att antalet sprängningar i Sverige minsann börjat minska... 

Januari 2025: den månad då det bombats mest på 216 år 

Trovärdiga källor


*Lite* oklart om detta keltiska samhälle verkligen var kvinnodominerat, men jag håller med om att det åtminstone något stärker de romerska källornas tillförlitlighet. Detta apropå den första länken. Den andra artikeln har jag redan länkat till en gång tidigare, but here we go again...

Keltiska kvinnor hade makten i stort järnålderssamhälle

Mystiskt forntida samhälle var kvinnocentrerat

A new stage


SWP shaking hands with Trump capitalista?

I´m old enough to remember when the U.S. Socialist Workers Party *supported* the ANC and *opposed* the State of Israel. Look now...

I´m also old enough to remember (last year) how the SWP condemned the Biden administration when *it* tried to cajole Israel into a ceasefire agreement with Hamas. But now, they claim that the Trump-brokered ceasefire is "a new stage in the fight to defend Israel"?!

In plain English: the Communist (?) SWP tacitly supports Donald Trump!    

South African government condemns immigrant coal miners to die

Ceasefire is new stage in fight to defend Israel as refuge for Jews

Blod (och jord) är tjockare än vatten


Tobias Hübinette jobbar stenhårt efter principen "guilt by association". Tycker kanske att Musks morfar kan ha varit en intressant person. Technocracy och Social Credit, hmmm... 

Världens mäktigaste män har rasism, nazism och anti-semitism i sina släkthistorier 

Dödshjälp på norska


Årets sjukaste nyhet? Det norska tillståndet... 

Skulle döda kvinna, möttes av norska TV2



Communist shaking hands with capitalist

This is some kind of Henry Kissinger-level stuff from the European Union. Please note that "Transnistria" is a non-recognized pro-Russian quasi-Communist breakaway republic. If you can´t beat ´em...bribe ´em.

It seems that Russian Gazprom provides gas to both Moldova and Transnistria, perhaps through the same pipelines? Since Moldova has a pro-Western government, Russia decided to stop the gas deliveries, but this unfortunately left pro-Russian Transnistria hanging in the air...and deprived of gas, too?!

Are the Russians actually losing the plot? 

The EU offers emergency support to tackle the energy crisis in Moldova

Pro-Russian separatists refuse EU gas

Sunday, January 26, 2025

På spaning


Små detektiver på spaning

Har givetvis ingen välgrundad åsikt om denne influencer och hans eventuella kopplingar till det röd-bruna blocket, men jag kan inte låta bli att länka till det senaste dramat från Hübinetto-sfären. Som jag brukar säga: "Detta är inte en skvallerblogg, utom när det faktiskt är det". Observera attacken på det nybildade vänsterpartiet Solidaritet.  

Influeraren "Anjo" kommer ut som högerradikal

The Trump Doctrine: Make America Bigger Again


- Don´t say anything, but I´m actually
 a Russian bear, not a grizzly!

It seems "American isolationism" doesn´t stop at the Lower 48...

Still, there is a certain logic to Trump´s geopolitics. If the United States directly controls Greenland and the Panama Canal (or even Canada), it doesn´t matter whether the foreign policy is globalist, imperialist-nationalist or isolationist-nationalist. The US can still defend itself thanks to "natural borders". And perhaps extract some rare earth minerals or additional oil? 

It would also be logical even for a very nationalist US to have *some* allies on the eastern shores of the Atlantic Ocean, perhaps Norway, Ireland and the UK? Sweden, Finland and poor little Denmark are borderline cases in such a scenario. The rest of Europe might as well join the Russian Federation.

Well, I suppose the race to the bottom just got a little bit more interesting!   

The Trump Doctrine: Make America Bigger Again

Brännpunkt Grönland


Lite mer om Grönlands-situationen...

EU-general: Logiskt med EU-soldater på Grönland

Experter: Danmark höll inte löften till Trump

Fandor rock


Believe it or not, but this is a real rock song based on the Urantia Book. And yes, "Master of the Sky" prominently mentions the fandors...all but un-ironically?! It´s actually a quite good tune and video, all things considered. I assume Visions of Reality is the name of the band. 

From the YouTube channel Faith Evolves, made famous by a somewhat strange cyber-drama a couple of weeks ago. Or straight from the geographic center of infinity? ;-) 

The 8th tower


I just learned a new term: "aesthetic deism". It´s counter-intuitive. I mean, if God is real he must be a Surrealist! Or a Dadaist...   

If it quacks like Titanic


Ex-Christian debate bro Derek Lambert is the content-creator behind the YouTube channel MythVision. I linked to it before, including a shocking presentation on human sacrifice in the Old Testament (hint: Yahweh was into it, too). 

In this presentation, Derek discusses the similarities between the Gospels and various ancient myths and legends (complete with made up eye-witnesses of heavenly ascensions). He reaches the conclusion that the Jesus stories as recorded in the four Gospels are indeed myths. Jesus may have been a real historical person, but his life has been heavily overlain by mythologemes. 

No surprise there, I suppose. The main point of the presentation is that Christian apologetics are based on special pleading: in the case of Jesus, the myths must be actual historical events, while nobody takes the pagan stories seriously. Did Augustus ascend to heaven? Did Julius Caesar appear on Roman roads long after his death? Could Vespasian heal the sick? When the Cynic philosopher Peregrinus Proteus burned himself alive on a funeral pyre, did his soul really leave the body in the form of a fiery phoenix, while an earthquake shook the surroundings?

Some of the arguments Derek responds to are somewhat strange, like the idea that atheists should regard the sinking of "Titanic" as mythological, since a novel published 14 years earlier contain eerie parallels to the real event. Eh?

Derek also mentions his own spiritual journey through various fundamentalist Christian denominations, Preterism and Hyper-Preterism, and atheist Jesus Mythicism (he mentions "Zeitgeist"). Not sure if this video contains any really new information for those versed in this apparently never-ending debate, but I suppose it could be of some interest on a rainy afternoon...   


Det svenska tillståndet


Några förutsägelser. "Vänster"blocket segrar i valet 2026 p.g.a. ökad arbetslöshet, sänkt A-kassa och skyhöga priser på allt från mat till el. 

Sossarna genomför sin tvångsassimilering/bussning av svenska barn och ungdomar, vilket leder till skolstrider i halva Sverige. Elpriserna och bensinpriset förblir skyhöga, detta för att SAP måste göra upp med något som heter Miljöpartiet. Ersättningen till arbetslösa höjs något, men inte tillräckligt och inte för alla (som förra gången). Skatten på rika höjs medan hyresregleringarna bevaras, detta för att SAP måste göra upp med Vänsterpartiet. 

Arbetskraftsinvandringen förblir hög, detta för att SAP måste göra upp med Centern. Kriminaliteten fortsätter att öka, samtidigt som SAP bluddrar på om nya fritidsgårdar (som aldrig ens blir av - man kanske kan bussa invandrare till svenska fritidsgårdar?).

I valet 2030 segrar högerblocket igen, och allt återgår till den nuvarande skiten. Sedan vinner "vänster"blocket 2034...

Ja, ni förstår. Och de strukturella problemen förblir olösta. Hur det kommer att sluta? Antingen med inbördeskrig, militärkupp eller rysk invasion. Och en stor del av svenska folket kommer att stödja kuppen. Trodde tills ganska nyligen inte att detta skulle kunna hända (inte egentligen), men nu undrar jag faktiskt på fullt allvar.

Let´s hope Brahman is Love.    

Saturday, January 25, 2025

The pink raven paradox


"What do you mean, mate, I never met David Hume, I mean, I just exchanged Christmas greetings with him and then we formed a caucus in the Scottish Whig party, don´t blame me for the problems of your bloody science!" 



Noterade denna på en blogg som heter "Mysterium 24".  

Den rödhårige kommunisten / brevbäraren som försvann

Still my dream girl



Sig Hale


We already know that the world went mad shortly after Trump´s election victory, and the crazy is clearly set to continue. I mean, look at this...and the tweets do seem to be genuine!

"This is a delicate moment" 

"You work for them"

Yes, the ADL (that´s the ADL) actually *refuses to condemn* Elon Musk´s Roman salute at the inauguration?! HA HA HA. Because he is pro-Israeli, obviously, but this way literally nobody will take the ADL seriously in the future. Probably not even pro-Israeli Jews!

What a way to go out, gotta grant them that much. 

Come into the moment...and read some books


Isn´t oneness with Brahman an *experience*? If so, why the obsession with "lineage" and the study of certain books (written language being relatively recent in human history anyway)? Or is the entire Brahman thing just a strong intellectual conviction? 

Somehow, I find it difficult to believe that these are the secret teachings of the Nath-panth!  

I samlarens spår


På typ förekommen anledning. Hmmm... 

Topless nuns?


Shocking, shocking I say! Is this interpretation correct? It seems so, judging by the artwork. Short form: Buddhist nuns are allowed, nay, required in certain situations to dress with one shoulder uncovered. Also, in the wilderness, nuns might as well be topless?!


Vilken fråga


LOL. Förenta Staterna har såklart varit en oligarki i minst 100 år. Kanske längre. Skillnaden är kanske att Rockefellers, Rotschilds eller Henry Ford var smartare. De verkar ha kontrollerat riktiga banker och/eller företag också, med riktiga (?) pengar resp. verklig produktion. En av dem var visst vicepresident också. 

Men vad fan kontrollerar Zucc eller Musk? Dina kokrecept? Rymdraketer som inte ens kan flyga? Men okej, de både startar och kommer ner...

Nästan som att man föredrar äldre tiders oligarki. Då även Big Labor och Big Ethnic Machine kunde sitta med vid bordet och pösa. 



Har svaga minnen av moralpaniken kring Fem-böckerna när jag var barn. Minns dock inte sammanhanget, men de nämndes t.o.m. på nyheterna. Alltid i samma veva som Kitty-böckerna.

Vår ofrivilliga grannblogg har kvittona. 

Kan man kalla det moralpanik?

Dogs and hogs


Some sectarian ISKCON-related stuff, from a group that claims to be the really real ISKCON. They have the really real edition of their sacred writings, too! You know the drift. Probably only of interest to really hardcore Hare Krishna-watchers. 

Debunking materialism?


Donald Hoffman and Bernardo Kastrup debunks materialism in three short YouTube clips. They seem to be posted on a spiritual channel! 

Distant origin


If you know, you know. 



Översättning: Wallenbergsfären har mutat Donald Trump. LOL!

Wallenberg om donation till Trump 

Generation hopplös?


Eller kanske inte? Klagomål på den yngre generationen är ju närmast universella, men det kanske är allvar nu? Observera hänvisningen till pandemin. Observera även artikeln om "ghosting" (som jag bloggat om tidigare).   

Generation Z är inte lata - de är rädda

Generationen som får sparken i ilfart

Trenden: tackar ja till jobb - men dyker aldrig upp

Warer Swenske...eller mest bara dumskallarnas socialism?


Fejkat "swenskt" riksvapen c/o AI 

Tobias Hübinette igen. Han har fått tydliga problem på grund av sin mångomtalade "konsekvensneutralitet". Igen! Detta trots att hans analyser egentligen är väldigt vänstervridna. Jag gissar att splittringen mellan vanliga liberaler och vänsterradikaler efter Hamas´ pogrom 2023 gjort att han och andra vänsterradikaler som tar avstånd från anti-semitism "på riktigt" har hamnat mellan två stolar. 

Observera också kommentaren om "dumskallarnas socialism" med anledning av den märkliga folkfronten mellan en vänsterradikal, en gangsterrappare och en nynazist?! Det relevanta citatet följer.

>>>Den unga generationen bestående av Generation Z (alla invånare som är födda ca 1996-2010) och Generation Alpha (födda 2010-17) har som bekant i det närmaste slutat att läsa tidningar (liksom böcker), lyssna på radio och titta på tv och får i stället i stort sett alla sina nyheter via internet och olika sociala medieplattformar och fr a lever de sina liv i den digitala världen och just nu marineras de alldeles uppenbarligen i en giftig blandning av antisemitism, högerpopulism och gangstersubkultur.

>>>I mångt och mycket handlar denna utveckling om att vänstern numera är så svag hos den unga generationen vilket har resulterat i att det som ibland kallas ”dumskallarnas socialism” – d v s antisemitismen – därför får härja fritt. 

>>>Antisemitiska konspirationsteorier har helt enkelt fått ett starkt fäste hos den uppväxande generationen som samtidigt röstar höger och inte minst på SD och formligen ”badar” i den hyperindividualistiska, hedonistiska, egoistiska, materialistiska och nyliberala gangstersubkulturen som ”marknadsförs” via gangsterrappen och som är den överlägset största ungdomssubkulturen bland landets barn och unga. 

Tre tecken i tiden

Anti-rasistisk förrädare?

"Den mest folkkära svenska musikgenren"


Elite human capital


Notorious libertarian gadfly Richard Hanania muses about the contradictions within the American far right.

Don't try this in Europe or the Middle East, Richie me boy.

Defeat racism by heightening the contradictions


October surprise


Israel challenges the Islamists and hard leftists...again. The reactions of the latter might be interesting. 

Or did you think this issue would just go away? 

Israel sends October 7 survivor to compete in Eurovision Song Contest

Incel (r)evolution


What is the cause of this? It seems to be a common complaint (?!) from GenXers that the younger age cohorts don´t have sex as often as they did. Is it the COVID pandemic, widespread autism, or what? Note also the connection to the entire depopulation issue. Are we mindless victims of some strange evolutionary strategy deeply ingrained in our genes?    

Less people are having sex

Make pulsars great again


The universe just got even stranger, and (as usual) it´s pulsars that confuse the scientists. Apparently, scientists discovered a pulsar that seems to defy the laws of physics...or something to that effect. People in the commentary section jokingly propose that it´s aliens or Elvis. Note also the surprising fact that the bizarre object wasn´t discovered by the James Webb telescope!

Fri översättning


Måste ju säga att bråket mellan Timothy Snyder och hans svenska översättare är riktigt underhållande. Har aldrig läst boken, men det vore inte första gången en uppburen författare skriver en bok som nog hade behövt en bättre redaktör...

Observera att översättaren tyckte att Snyders bok är så usel, att hon krävde att få använda en pseudonym!

Bonniers drar in översättning

Översättare lade till bisats


Friday, January 24, 2025

The most DANGEROUS book in the world


This YouTube channel constantly comes up in my feed. Jason Gregory is a spiritual teacher from Australia. Many of his videos have titles which sound like click bait about "the most DANGEROUS book in the world". Eventually, I decided to give it a go. The first video linked above is a good introduction. Peruse the others at your leisure. There is much more on the channel itself.

The most dangerous book ever turns out to be the "Avadhuta Gita". I admit I never heard about it before! It´s apparently an important text within the Nath Panth, a Shaiva tradition in India associated with Gorakh or Gorakhnath. The "Avadhuta Gita" is attributed to Dattatreya, a divine figure often depicted as a three-headed wandering ascetic. Yes, we are dealing with an antinomian and "Tantric" movement. The Naths seem to be pretty close to the Western stereotype of fakirs! 

How dangerous Gregory might be is less clear. He seems to emphasize the "safe" aspects of the message (the ones that sound like Advaita Vedanta) and combines this with Taoist teachings about cosmic harmony and so on. However, here and there, we get tantalizing glimpses that perhaps there is more to realize. For instance, moving pictures of "avadhutas" (liberated souls) covered in ashes from the funeral pyre.

Make of this content what you wish.       

The Tao of Panpsychism


This is a somewhat weird episode of the Why Files, usually a paranormal show about ghosts and UFOs. Here, TJ and his comic foil Hecklefish boldly go where no man has ever gone least since around 1980. 

The episode combine New Age spirituality, fringe science, and cornucopian dreams about space conquest. Even Carl Sagan is featured, saying that it makes a lot of sense to revere the stars! We are star stuff, after all. Frankly, I wonder who wrote this script? It´s almost fascinating to listen to this retro stuff in 2025. 

Unfortunately, real reality makes itself felt when TJ and his muppet have to pitch their sponsors in the beginning of the clip. I kind of want to believe the uplifting message of "Nuclear Powered Evolution", but I think most of us will lose our sponsors in the decades ahead...   

Atman has no limits


The mysterious and somewhat colorful spiritual teacher "Dev Bhagavan" (his current alias) discusses the current environmental crisis with an unknown person simply called "Dave". 

The most recent updates to the old classic "Limits to Growth" show that we are right on track and on schedule to the inevitable civilizational collapse. Resources, energy and agricultural produce are getting more scarce. Soon, the population will contract, as well. In the United States, the Trump administration is trying to "solve" the situation by plans to grab Greenland and the like. They already control the island militarily, so the new push is about natural resources. Both Dev and Dave believe that Native territories in New Zealand and the US are filled with oil, gold or uranium, which explains why it´s suddenly so important for the national governments to take them over. It´s also necessary for the US to control high quality oil that can be refined to make diesel, not just any old oil well. 

Trump´s and Musk´s new "Stargate" program in the US is not really about reaching Mars, according to Dev Bhagavan. It´s some kind of conspiracy concerning very earthly matters. Perhaps advanced AI? A culling of the world population? Leaving Earth isn´t an option anyway (not even for the super-rich) since humans can´t take the radiation in space or on Mars. 

Dev Bhagavan doesn´t believe there are any material solutions to our current predicament. We are in the Kali Yuga, and that´s that. The only solution is spiritual. Since castes are mixed and confused in the Kali Yuga, everyone should have access to all Vedic scriptures (not just those who are "qualified" - since almost nobody is anyway). Let people experiment best they can, abolish all religious institutions, every path is valid!

Obviously, I can´t vouch for this particular teacher (cough cough), but I think there is something to the above, as far as it goes. That, and dragonships...     

A question no atheist can answer


If evolution is true, why are there no werewolves? 



Men tyvärr bara pappersupplagorna! En lite oväntad nyhet, detta. 

Kvällstidningarna kan försvinna redan i år

Irrationality reigns


A peculiar YouTube video about "simulation theory" from the atheist who goes by Rationality Rules (RR). He argues that there is a 30% probability that a "god" does exist, but not the god of classical theism, but rather an advanced AI system which has created countless of artificial universa. Ahem, this idea *is* theism but with the serial numbers filed off. If the probability of crypto-theism is 30%, what is the probability of classical theism or - even better - panentheism? 

In this particular case, the comments in the commentary section (those under "Most popular") are necessary reading, in which RR gets considerable pushback from various nerds. I suspect that the nerds are more or less right in this case. Also that AI is mostly hype for marketing and investment purposes right now. And due to some energy crisis or resource crisis in the near future, the Quasi-Divine Matrix will collapse before it even gets started!

Indeed, it´s very difficult to see how the AI could function flawlessly for aeons, and even give rise to a near infinite number of universes. After all, we´re dealing with a freakin´ *machine* here! Still, it will be interesting to see if atheism develops into a techno-optimistic, cornucopian and trans-humanist *religion* in the near future, crashing and burning like any other movement claiming that the apocalypse is just around the corner (pardon, I mean the Singularity)...  

Post bobcats


We are supposed to post pics of cute kittens in a crisis situation, so why not. Will a bobcat do? Sure, it´s adorable, but I can´t help thinking that "adopting" wild animals should know...illegal. Is it at least inoculated against inflation?

The PSYOP has begun


I was somewhat surprised to see this. I linked to "Christian" New Age preacher Aaron Abke before, but I didn´t know he was into conspirituality. Maybe I just missed it, or forgot about it. In the video above, Abke expresses full support for Steven Greer, the controversial UFO-logist who has promised us full disclosure in January 2025 (i.e. right now). He also links to an interview with none other than Billy Carson!

It´s not clear whether Abke believes that the aliens (who are good and angelic in this scenario) will land any time soon, but he does believe that the anti-alien psyop has gone into full gear, with the Deep State cabal abducting and killing people, blaming the whole thing on the space brothers. The conspirators have also planted articles in the tabloids, claiming that Harvard University has proven that the aliens are really dinosaurs or time travellers...anything else than benign ascended masters from other star systems. 

If and when the alien intelligences decide to make contact with us, they will give us free energy und so weiter, making it possible to finally usher in utopia. If you are really conspiracy-minded, I suppose you could fit in Wes Huff somewhere in this scenario as another disinfo agent, LOL.    

You have been selected


So I watched portions of "Greenland", the 2020 American disaster film. I think I agree with the critics that it´s *somewhat* better than the average apocalyptic movie. Still, I don´t have the necessary energy to really follow an end-of-the-world flick right now. Certainly not one called "Greenland"!  

Gadiantons rövarband


Tycker inte rixmedias bevakning av skandalen i Alingsås har varit riktigt adekvat. Då vänder vi oss alltså till Samnytt...

Värre än frimurarna och "druiderna" i Älmhult resp. Piteå? 

"Politiker tog nakenbilder i kommunhuset - avgår"



Ny pennalismskandal på överklassinternatet Lundsberg. Igen. Det finns faktiskt en väldigt enkel lösning på problemet. Man skulle ju kunna skjuta hela överklassen, exempelvis. Okej, maybe not. Men vad sägs om att stänga skolan? Eller utnämna Jan Guillou till rektor...



Plötsligt bara händer det...

Här håller jag nästan med Aftonbladet. Vill man vara ännu mer provokativ skulle man kunna säga så här: självklart väljer arbetslösa frivilligt A-kassa framför ett jävla slavgöra. Här är en annan tanke: tänk om arbetslösa skulle välja bort gigjobben *även om A-kassan avskaffades*? Är det inte lite grann det som hänt i USA i kölvattnet på pandemin?

Och vad ska nationalekonomerna göra då? Låter ju som sunt marknadsekonomiskt tänkande: om ni inte betalar, dyker vi alltså inte upp! 

Be careful what you wish for, capitalista.   

I deras sjuka värld ska alla bli Foodora-bud

Säg hej


Är det inte märkligt att de som skriker mest om Elon Musks Hitler-hälsning inte verkade ha några problem med Hamas´ terrorattack mot Israel? Det är uppenbarligen okej att pogromisera judar, så länge man gör det med knutna nävar...  

Last night in Sweden


Jag är tillräckligt gammal för att komma ihåg hur "alla" skrattade åt Trump när han i ett tal cirkus 2017 sade "Har ni hört vad som hände i Sverige igår kväll?".

Nu är det inte så roligt längre. Eller hur?  

Satanic Santa or just killer clown?


I missed this little controversy. Welcome to the Kansas City Kali Yuga! And no, my headline isn´t a reference to the POTUS elections, LOL. 

Terrifier 3: Christian group protests "Satanic Santa"



Nu har jag lärt mig ännu ett nytt ord: skolflykting. Allt fler svenskar flyttar till Finland eller skriver sig där för att slippa den svenska skolplikten. Åland, där alla talar svenska, är särskilt populärt.  

Hemundervisning räddade barnen

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Worse than normal


At least they weren´t Turbo Normies!

This TikTok situation is amazing, I mean I learn new words all the time. The latest is "Turbonormie" or "Turbo Normie". It seems to mean the same thing as "NPC". Here is Urban Dictionary: 

>>>A Normie who is even more stupid than a normal normie. Turbo normies have little-to-no critical thinking skills and will do whatever the mainstream media tell them to. They do not have opinions of their own, only what the television or newspaper tells them. The only thing worse than a turbo normie is an uber-normie.>>>

The point being that TikTok users are said "Turbo Normies". Funny, I assumed TikTok users were a bit strange, I mean *I* don´t use TikTok do I now, but it seems I haven´t been around Normies for a very very long time...



- Where´s the path to Washington DC? 
 I don´t want to miss the inauguration for the world!

The inauguration of Donald Trump as POTUS is set to happen tomorrow. Let´s see if I got this about right...

Trump promised the Israeli lobby 110% support for Israel´s war in Gaza. Instead, they got a ceasefire agreement which doesn´t seem to dislodge Hamas. 

Trump promised opponents of immigration mass deportations. Instead, they will get more speedy deportations of criminal immigrants only, plus continued legal guest worker immigration.

Trump promised (I think) a TikTok ban. Instead, he is now trying to save TikTok from *Biden´s* ban?!

Trump promised the crypto-Russian lobby to end the war in Ukraine in one day (sic). Instead, he now says it may take six months. One of his associates call on Ukraine to conscript more soldiers, another says he wants more sanctions on Russia.

Trump promised the Alt Right to pardon those who participated in J6. Now, Vance is saying that only those who didn´t participate in violent acts will be pardoned.

Trump was widely believed to oppose Mike Johnson and favor Matt Gaetz. Now, Gaetz has left the building, while Johnson is still House Speaker! 

However, before even taking office, Trump and/or his associates have triggered real or potential diplomatic rows with the following nations: Denmark, Canada, the United Kingdom, Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras. Note that three of these are close US allies and members of NATO!

Not sure if this counts as real change we can believe in, but I suppose we´ll see.

At least we got more free speech on Facebook, so we can call him out on it, if that´s what we want to do...

Well, I think.   


Normie genocide


People on X who support the TikTok ban call it "Normie genocide" or "Midwit Holocaust". Here is one contribution: "I was against the TikTok ban, but seeing all these normies freak out has made me totally change my mind. Go Biden!"

It seems Dark Brandon went out with a bang, after all.  

Sveket från Hanna Fahl


Hanna Fahl (!) om Neil Gaiman. Har egentligen aldrig brytt mig om Gaiman tidigare, antagligen för att jag i det stora hela inte läser fantasy och gothic horror. Insåg dock att jag faktiskt hört talas om "Coraline" tidigare och även funderade på att köpa boken mest för att kolla vad det var. Och ja, det är tydligen Gaiman som skrivit den.

En annan sak jag reagerat på är den påstådda kopplingen mellan Gaiman och scientologerna, som dock aldrig nämnts i svenska medier. Gaiman själv säger sig inte ha sådana (förutom att hans föräldrar tillhörde den kontroversiella gruppen), medan andra hävdar motsatsen. 

Mycket rykten om stödköp av Gaimans romaner från scientologicenter, fejkade recensioner på olika sajter skrivna av scientologer, etc. Man undrar förstås också om hans världsbild är präglad av scientologi? Gotisk skräck verkar dock inte riktigt vara Hubbards grej...

Det finns förresten kritiker av Gaiman som hävdar att han plagierat sitt magnum opus "The Sandman" från en kvinnlig författare! Se den andra länken (på engelska). Den går till en blogg på allra yttersta högerkanten som refererar ett Facebook-inlägg. Har dock inte tillgång till Facebook, så ni får hålla till godo med denna länk.     

2025 mindset


The whole TikTok refugee thing is "so 2025", and we´re not even a month into the new year yet. So TikTok users - who presumably deny that the Chinese ownership of TikTok is a national security threat - respond to the American ban on the app by migrating to a heavily censored China app named after Chairman Mao´s Red Book which actually may be a real security threat?!

I know this isn´t really a joke (cyber surveillence and ditto terrorism are a thing) but I can´t help laughing. Note also the bizarre irony that it was Biden who banned the app (you know, the POTUS referred to as "China Joe" by Trump supporters), while Trump is trying to save it?! Presumably, because one of the *American* owners gave a hefty campaign contribution to the very same Donald.

RedNote, by contrast, seems entirely owned and controlled by some mainland ChiCom front operation. The end of the world has never been more fun to watch!

Americans get first taste of Chinese censorship

US TikTok addicts flock to "Little Red Book"

Called it


-TCO´s? Here in Maine?!
Surely, you´re joking?!

Years ago, I argued with a left-wing radical who called for the legalization of "soft drugs" (marijuana). His argument was that legalizing it would be a blow to the crime gangs currently in control of the international drug trade. I argued that the crime gangs would simply take over the *legal* trade, too! 

We now have the receipts. 

Maine admits licensing transnational criminal organizations to grow marijuana 



Lars Borgnäs förmedlar sig till juristkårens förhandenvarande medvetande. Jag vet inte om huvudproblemet med den nuvarande kampanjen är att den utsår misstro mot "rättsstaten", men man kanske måste skriva så för att få en debattartikel publicerad i Dagens Juridik? Har länkat tidigare till en längre artikel av samma skribent.   

"SVT göder misstro mot rättsstaten"