Sunday, March 3, 2024



Sabine Hossenfelder (the all-knowing German quantum mama) is skeptical of a new science paper which proposes that black holes are really "gravastars", actual star-like objects filled with dark energy. 

What a pity. 

I don´t like black holes, I don´t want them to exist, and wish they would all just go away. I would therefore be very happy if Sabine´s prof Greiner (a German word which means "quarrelsome person") would turn out to be right.

But if Mama is to be believed, the paper is probably wrong. It does contain correct solutions to Einstein´s equations (yes, that guy again), but so do many other hypotheses, and this one doesn´t seem to conform to empirical observations. Nobody has actually seen a gravastar. And, come to think of it, nobody has ever discovered dark energy, either... 


  1. Det är mycket farligare att komma nära en neutronstjärna än att komma nära ett svart hål, förutsatt att man inte är dum nog att passera händelsehorisonten.

  2. Om inte det svarta hålet är en kvasar, förstås...
